Chapter 29 🌹

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This past week has been awful.

Not only because of this massive hole in my heart, that's been missing ever since I left the castle that day but also I've been unwell.

Myself and my parents have put it down to the fact that I'm human and my soul is taken it on my body from rejected my vampire mates. I don't know but it's been a tough week as it has been. I've missed school because of it. The constant headaches and shakes and even sometimes a fever, it's not good.

It's shit.

Maybe it's karma. I've put it down to karma now.

"Joy!! I'm dying."

I swoon over my bed after coming back from the bathroom while she scoffs at me from the edge of my bed. She's not happy that I can't go to school but she's also sick of hearing me moan about my illness but she's still here.

"Oh shut up you're not dying. You've just caught something obviously." Joy

She rolled her eyes at me and turned her back to me. She's in a bad mood today. I scowled at her to pick up a pillow and throw it at her back.

"Hey!!" Joy

She turned back to glare at me but I acted innocent to pick up the covers and slip into them and picking up the cold wet cloth I brought through moments ago. My fever was picking up again.

"You know for someone that rejected your soulmates you certainly seem fine about it." Joy

Well that was out the blue.

I didn't know how to respond to that.

The truth is I'm not okay with it, it's very hard when I think about them. I actually try not to think about them. I constantly question if they're okay or if they've changed at all in anyway. I've asked my mom and dad but they always tell me its best not to think about that stuff anymore if I'm serious about this whole rejection thing and I'm actually starting to regret it.

Joy sighed heavily to move back and shuffle along the bed until her back hits the headboard and she's sitting next to me.

"I'm sorry. It's just, I've had a very bad day today and I've taken it out on you. I shouldn't and I'm sorry." Joy

I nodded to her, accepting her apology to then lean my head back with the cloth over my forehead and sighing in relief at the coolness. This fever is a pain in the ass.

"I, I just, I don't get it with you." Joy

"Get what?"

I shifted the cloth to now cover my eyes as well as my forehead.

"How can you just reject them like that when you didn't give them a chance to change. Maybe, if you had simply told them and gave them an option, maybe they would of gotten rid of that room without question. You would have to be blind to not see they would do anything for you." Joy

She chuckled the last part and my regret sunk in deeper. Why didn't I do something like that?

"Don't get me wrong yes, they did wrong but maybe you should of spoken to them first. I know you, you sometimes act first and ask questions later when you're too angry. HA!! A perfect match I suppose for them." Joy

She started rambling on, with a little more upbeat in her tone than before but I still couldn't help but feel so angry and frustrated with myself. Frustrated tears fell from my covered eyes but I didn't want her to think I was crying because of her. I was crying for them, what I had done to them.

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