Chapter 5 🌹

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The smell of humans brushes past my nose as I continue to write up instructed rules for the teachers. It's just to remind them of what to do and what not to do to tick off any of the seven kings.

The smell that stuck out the most was my daughters, Y/n. Only because I see her everyday so to me her scent sticks out the most since I'm very well known to it. She's here which means my kings will know she's here.

I sigh to myself and brush my hair back after throwing down my pen on my desk. Any minute now one of them or all are going to burst through my office at the sudden surprise that I even let Y/n come to the castle, never mind to stay for two weeks.

I quickly picked up my phone to call my wife an tell her to come here. Usually I'm good with this kind of stuff, hence my job as head adviser but it was Jia's idea in the first place and because of her ability, I want her to explain why. As expected she agreed to come here, knowing she'll run here would be the fastest way so I don't have to wait long for her arrival, maybe ten minutes at most.

Tapping my finger on my desk, just waiting for the doors to burst open. I've known these men for well over 200 years so I would know what they're going to do.


My office door flew open to hit the wall next to it causing a slight crack in the wall that I would have to get fixed later. I sigh once more and stand from my seat to bow.

"What is she doing here?!" Yoongi

I now look up at him, his eyes glowing red in fury at me, and his fists balled up. He's ready to throw punches, if I was anyone else I wouldn't be alive right now but I've gained their trust so they would have to know this is for a reason.

"It was Jia's idea. She's on here way to explain."

I breathed out taking me seat again. He storms forward and slams his hands on my desk. I don't flinch, I'm use to it.

"That doesn't answer the question, daehyun! What is she doing here!" Yoongi

He gritted his teeth, glaring down at me. I sat back in my chair to now fold my arms over my chest.

"It's for the best."

He scoffs, now removing his hands away from the desk.

"Why's y/n here?!" Jungkook

"Calm down I'm sure there's a reason to all of this." Namjoon

They too now stormed into my office with Taehyung and Jin following inside. They're the two that visit my house the most, well Jia doesn't know that Taehyung visits a lot but I promised him to keep that between us. In fact the others don't know that Jin and Taehyung visit my home but they know of Jimin coming around a few times to talk about business but that's about it. It was a desperate matter and it couldn't wait until the next day.

"There is a good reason for it. If you'd all like to take a seat, Jia is coming to explain."

I stood again to bow to the four kings that have just entered my office. Taehyung waves his hand at me and smiles.

"You don't have to do that every time now. You've known us a long time." Taehyung

I chuckled and scratched the back of my head.

"I know but it's habit now."

He laughs and take a seat on a chair in front of me while the remaining four take their seats spread out through out the room. There was silence in the room, it was awkward as all their eyes were on me, I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I may be close to them but they are still my kings after all. Even Taehyungs stare made me uneasy, he can go from easy going and friendly one minute to complete opposite the next.

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