Chapter 23 🌹

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Tomorrow is the last day for my whole class to leave the castle. I'll leave too but only to get my stuff from home and come back to hopefully my forever home. I'm coming to realise I'm starting to fall for these vampires even after our tough first impressions.

They have different personalities and different ways to express their feelings towards me and they've all made it perfectly clear how they feel. They love me and that's more than what I can ask from them.

To think about never having children with any of them, yes still upsets me at the thought so I came to a conclusion that might work. I want to spend time in places like school for younger children or a hospital ward for children or even a daycare. With either human or vampire children I really don't care about that. Just anything that will satisfy my need to be around children. I think that's what I'll start doing after I graduate high school, I've now made a new goal in life as well as live in this huge castle, something I never thought would happen in my life.

If my idea doesn't work then I can always convince them to change their minds in some way or another. If they want to keep me alive forever just like them then I'll have plenty time to do it, won't I?

Joy makes jokes about it, she's started calling me princess or makes a comment saying 'yes your highness' and even bows sometimes. It's kind of funny but it's never a serious thing. I don't want people bowing to me or anything like that but Namjoon did tell me that would happen with others.

My classmates became scared to talk to me, all except Kai, if anything he became more determined to talk to him. He's even started telling me he has something to show me but I don't have to listen to him or ever have to talk to him again.

That currently brings me to where I am now. The other side of the castle after our evening meal I decided to go for a walk on the kings side of the castle where no one else is aloud to go. Joy wanted to have a bath and I came here just to get out and about and hide from Kai so he couldn't find me and bother me. Plus they all said I'm welcome to go anywhere in the castle so I do just that and explore.

I have to say you can tell by the decoration that this place is old but well looked after and clean. There's not one spec of dust anywhere that I've seen. The maids are very good at their jobs.

I loved the old paintings on the walls and I couldn't help but stop by each of them to have a deep hard look at them. The art work were all very well painted and deserved their places on the wall.

A hard grip on the wrist aggressively twirled me around and into a chest. It surprised me so much it was hard to process who it was at first until I looked up at the face and immediately tried to push away but they didn't budge.

"Kai let me go! What are you even doing here?!"

I know he's not suppose to be here. It's private side of the castle.

"You have to come with me. I need to show you something." Kai

I hit his chest with my free hand but only for him to grab that one too.

"No! Kai stop it!"

He's lucky that the vampires aren't here right now. They had to leave for a quick meeting with someone. They didn't go into detail about it but they said it wouldn't be long. If they were here they would of heard my shouts and be here in a second.

"Y/n, I'm serious you're coming with me." Kai

"No im not. The kings will come for you."

Kai scoffs and starts to pull me down the hall as I try to stop myself from even taking a step.

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