Chapter 33 🌹

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I have to get back to the kings castle. This is all wrong and I didn't want y/n to get hurt. Luckily not much has happened to her when I'm around but unfortunately I can't be around all the time right now and the most she has gotten would be a black eye and a broken wrist.

Hyeon told me she might get hurt before all this and of course I was not okay with it. I still love y/n and I don't want her hurt. I thought Hyeon would help me make her mine but not this way, it's wrong and I have to help her.

Yes I have a temper that I hid form her and and I treated her so badly but if I can get her out of this maybe, if we both live through this we can move forward as just friends if she can ever forgive me, maybe. I hope.

Now that's I'm a vampire that means those seven kings are now my kings and I know they're looking for y/n and I've also heard for the past two days they've been looking for me too. In total they've been looking for her for four days and I can't bare to watch her suffer any more.

Her health is getting worse and I try to look after her when no one is around. Just to bring her fever down and give her more food. She needs it, they may bring her upstairs now to dine with Hyeon and his mate, Sara, but they don't feed her a lot and like I said before she needs it.

The only thing I could think of was finding a way to sneak past Hyeon and his men and get to the castle. Even if it means they kill me for it, I'll try my best to tell them before they do. They need to know where she is.

The problem with that is because Hyeon knows they're looking for me also, he likes to keep me in the underground bar.

But today he's assigned sam to look after me. He may be a loyal right hand man to Hyeon but I've learned he's very stupid and easily distracted. He's scary looking with how much muscle he has and the tattoos on the side of his bald head but still, very stupid.

Which in his case is stupid to watch me.

He likes to watch the vampires girls dance in front of him in the private back room. Me, I'm not really that interested right now. I was when I first turned but now I have more matters in my mind to deal with.

Since no one else is here in this bar except myself, Sam and two girls, maybe it's a good chance to sneak away. There's the forest just a few feet away from the exit when you reach the surface, since this place is in an isolated place not far away from the nearest village of vampires.

I doubled check with just moving around the room at first to too if Sam noticed but he didn't. His eyes were fully trained on the girls, swaying their hips as they barely wore any clothes. He was grinning at them, leaning back in his chair enjoying the view.

Now step number two. Talk to him for a response.

"Hey Sam? Do you want a drink?"

Again no response because this time one of the girls have made a move towards him and to sit in his lap.

Not he's all good and distracted. I should go now.

Taking one quick glance on him, to run out the door then out into the empty dance floor and the bar where no one currently stood until at least tonight. The place was dead empty, but that didn't stop me. My full focus was to get out that front door and away I go, to find out my fate as well as hopefully help save y/n from the nightmare she's in.

When running out the door to the open forest I had to be careful to not be too noisy to attract attention in case Sam catches on.

Then once that cool air breezes through me I ran like I've never ran before. Following that very powerful and dominant scent above all the scents I could smell around me. This must be what they smell like to others as well as just me, it's a tell to how they are I suppose.

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