Chapter 69 🌹

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Nothing can prepare you for the pain of childbirth I can tell you that. The excoriating pain was unreal and only became worse the moment Jin put me down on the bed.

It became unbearable almost and my contraction just kept coming and coming at this point and just wouldn't give me a break not to mention I have four babies to give birth to. I want to try it the normal way though Jin said normally in my case of having more than two babies at one time I would require a C-section but I'm stubborn and I want to try it the normal and I'm very confidant I can do it.

Jin needed to check how much I've dilated to know fully how close I'll be to giving birth and I'm relieved that he's already been down there before if you know what I mean and not some stranger was staring at my private parts.

Hobi helped me out of my sweats with the help of Jimin while Jin was rushing around the room to set everything up since this was so unexpected. Namjoon and Yoongi stood to the side unsure of what to do right now and Jungkook and Taehyung went to quickly wash themselves of any blood and change all while getting Joy for me.

I wanted Joy with me, I needed that female support by my side in this point in my life and thankfully she was more than happy when I asked her before I was taken by my evil mother.

"Namjoon! Yoongi! Don't just stand there, come and help me I could set up quicker if I had more help." Jin

Both vampire shook themselves out of whatever thought they were in and came to Jins need of help, grabbing what they need and Jin dressed himself quickly in only three seconds to get on some scrubs and latex gloves in his hands.

He grabbed a stool and sat on it right between my legs that were now spread apart on the bed with a blanket covering my bump and top half of my legs, all thanks to Jimin and Hobi surprisingly calm.

I noticed how Jins hands were shaking and that made me nervous.

"Jin now is not the time to be shaking."

I scolded and he nodded with a mumble of an apology. I get he's nervous too but I really didn't need that if he's the one to help with delivering these babies.

"Right Y/n, I'm going to check how far dilated you are but if you get a contraction while I'm doing this tell me and I'll have to stop, okay?" Jin

He looks at me with more of a serious look to him now after my scolding must of sunk in to him.

"Yes, yes just hurry up please."

I wince a little when my last contraction was calming down but he better hurry before another comes shooting back to me. Jin only nods and Jimin and Hoseok take my hands on either side for me to squeeze as I felt Jins hand slip in to check, his hand applied so much pressure but my next contraction was approaching fast and he was quick to remove his hand.


I shouted in pain my next contraction making feel like I could shit bricks at this point. Jimin groaned from my left side but I paid no attention to it because I focused on the deep breathes and using Namjoon standing next to with eyes filled with worry, as a point of concentration.

"Holy shit who knew that women in labour could develop such strength. I might lose my hand." Jimin

"That's because she's in pain you big doofus!"

Joy ran into the room and smacked Jimin on the side but rushed to me and kisses the side of my head. As much as I'm happy to see her at this point I can't speak unless to shout out in pain that I'm sharing to everyone in the castle. I'm not exactly quiet but I don't care.

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