Chapter 62 🌹

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Two months later

Irene's water broke an hour ago, and lets just say I'm very scared for her but she's very calm about all of it. It's just Kai running around like a headless chicken and Hoseok's visible nerves were not helping either.

Jimin and Taehyung left to go get Irenes mother so she could be there for Irene when she gives birth.

"I can't believe there's going to be a baby here soon!" Joy

She squealed as we waited in this little waiting room that Jin also constructed together to go with the medical room and resting room in the medical ward he made. Which came to be very useful after all.

"I know right!"

I couldn't help but be excited with her. Sure I was having my own babies but Irene's baby is coming first and I've always loved babies not matter how nervous I am for her.

"Y/n you should sit down." Yoongi

He grabs my hand and pulls me to the seat next to him but keeps a hold of my hand.

"Guys! She's starting to get contractions! What do I do?!" Kai

He screamed with all panic when he ran in to the room.

"Get back in there with her you idiot!" Joy

She pointed out of the room and Kai quickly nodded and ran away from the waiting room and into the next where Irene was currently laying down on the hospital bed with Jin watching her. I suppose he's done this many time before as he's told me and has the greatest confidence in doing so and also mentioned practise for delivering babies in his new birthing room as he calls it.

Another few minutes pass and Hoseok keeps pacing side to side in the room while I watch him in amusement.

"Hobi, you look so nervous right now. How about you come sit next to me?"

I patted the free chair next to me and he stares at it for a moment before he comes to sit next to me, taking my other hand in his, running circles on the back of my hand to sooth himself from his nerves.

Namjoon comes walking the room with a book in his hand and sits close to the chair next to the door.

"So that's where you went." Yoongi

Namjoon smiles at him and waves the book in front of him.

"Yeah, I figured we might be here a while so I thought I'd grab something to entertain myself." Namjoon

"Is this what you'll be doing when it's my turn?"

I chuckled at him and he placed the book to his own lap and shrugs lightly but still smiling away.

"Maybe, I don't know." Namjoon

"Are you kidding? He'll be just like me when it's your turn." Hoseok

Hobi was shaking his leg now from his nerves but I kissed his cheek lightly and he stopped and kissed my cheek back.

"Y/n here drink this." Jungkook

He comes into the room now with a funny pink coloured drink in his hand. I mentioned earlier I wasn't feeling too good, since I feel hot almost all the time now, I'm always tired and I just plain out don't feel well, weak is more the word than anything. Since I told him this he disappeared and obviously made me a drink.

"What is it?"

I eyed it up and down as I he passed it to me and took a seat next to Namjoon who was now reading his book. Joy was also from her standing spot giving the drink funny looks.

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