Chapter 52 🌹

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After some serious thinking and many convincing from Joy last night I decided maybe it would be fun to go to this ball.

It can't be too bad right?

I mean I would be next to my soulmates all night and joy said she would come with me too but it would be just as dangerous for her as it would be for me. I think she just wants to come to not only accompany me but also to have that magical moment of attending the royal ball. Almost every girls fantasy right?

Because of my decision I wanted to find Jimin. Yoongi told me yesterday that he would be the best at learning the moves as well as Hoseok but I know that Hoseok would be on garden duties today since they now have schedules for the garden which seems far enough. So today I'll see if Jimin is busy.

First I headed to Namjoons office just in the off chance he would be there and to my luck he was there with Namjoon. They were both talking about something but stopped when I entered the room.

"Hey, I was looking for you Jimin."

His eyes lit up and he slightly turned his upper body to me with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh really?" Jimin

"Yeah. I actually decided I'd like to go to this ball that namjoon mentioned the other day. So I was wondering if you could possibly help me with any dances if there is any?"

I shyly asked and he smiled so much that his eyes disappeared into the shape of crescents.

"I'd be honoured y/n." Jimin

He took my my hand and kissed the back of my hand gently only for me to blush and giggle.

"Well that's great Y/n. I assume joy would want to come with you?" Namjoon

He guess that right.

I nodded with a large smile on my face.

"Of course. She kept talking about how every girl if they're lucky should have a day to be a princess. You know what she's like."

He chuckled with a nod, as he sat in his chair behind his desk and took of his glasses.

"Yes that's true." Namjoon

"Taehyung would take you both shopping. I'm sure he'd love to volunteer." Jimin

"But isn't it months away yet? I'm pregnant and I'll
Be bigger by then for sure."

"Yes but with some ball gowns there will be some that are very loose fitted. Taehyung would know what to pick." Namjoon

I nodded and Jimin tugged on my hand he still held in his and randomly twirled me around on the spot.

"Let's go for these dancing lesson then. Namjoon I'll talk to you later." Jimin

In return Namjoon laughs as Jimin pulls me out the room.

I did want to talk to Namjoon about his parents just tinker him know that I know what happened since he had trouble telling me himself but I guess that will wait for another day.

I couldn't keep up with Jimins fast pace so he picked me up bridal style and ran through the halls as if he was impatient in teaching me these dance steps.

Only within seconds did we both arrive in this massive hall that I had no idea was here. These past few weeks had me finding places I didn't even know was here in the first place.

Jimin stood with the both of in the middle of this massive hall that was beautifully designed with gold and cream coloured patterns and an amazing painting above on the ceiling.

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