Chapter 58 🌹

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It's okay to have some alone time every now and then.

Yesterday, myself, Joy and Irene were all confined in my new bedroom, the bedroom Joy and I share for now. It was all pretty crazy but for now everything is more calm.

Well for me right now it's more calm. Yesterday Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin were at such point of rage when they came back with having no such luck either Hyeon, they had to stay on the other side of the castle. It was disappointing but understandable.

This morning after our sleepover with my friends, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook all went to assist Irene and joy in grabbing something's from irenes house and explain a few things to her family just like with joys.

I feel bad that Irene has now been pulled into this but with people that are close to me, nobody is willing to take any chances. I also appreciate how kindly my soul mates are to taking in humans to live here considering what happened to their parents years and years ago.

Because I've wanted to spend sometime alone, I've been sitting with my moms book in my hand for the past hour debating wether to read it or not.

It's can't be so bad to read it can it?
For all I know it could be just some more notes and information on vampires and humans.

Taking a deep breath as I sit on my bed with my back pressed against the headboard I slowly open it up to begin reading the first page that seems to be a page dedicated to me, as if it were a letter from her to myself.

Her hand writing that's written my name is enough to make me cry but I hold it in to have a proper read.

My dearest daughter Y/n,

First and foremost, I love you with all my heart no matter the consequences both your father and I may face we love you. Just remember that when the worst happens.

From the very first time I laid eyes on you in that hospital I knew you were made to mine. We may not be related by blood but always by heart. My sweet little angel that made my life shine brighter as the day I met your father.

Not only are you my daughter but my best friend, my other half, my partner in crime. A day never passes by without myself thinking of how much I love you and just how proud I am of the woman you are growing up to be.

I just know that however your soulmates will behave sometimes just remember how your father and I were sometimes. It always works out in the end and I trust them to love you and protect you with their own lives and trust me when I say that's a big thing for them.

The need to write this was something I felt I needed to do, just in case I'm unable to tell you this myself. You know what I can be like sometimes.

All I'm trying to say is if anything was to happen to either one of us, just remember even from beyond we'll always be right beside you to guide you in your future.

A bright beautiful future.

With all my love sweet angel,

Your mother.


I was balling like a baby, holding the now closed book to my chest. That was only one page and it already had me crying this way.

It hurts that's she's not here with me and my dads not here either. The same man who was protective of me and didn't let me invite any boys to my 13th birthday party.

I'll never get to see them again and tell them how much I love them. I'll never get rid of this book, it's the last thing I have from both of them as I noticed my dads own writing in the middle of the book somewhere.

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