Chapter 16 🌹

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I can't believe I lost my cool for that one second. If only I had at least warned her or asked if she was okay with then everything would be fine.

As soon Namjoon said to come here I stormed out the room, disappointed in myself. I've controlled myself a few time now but just this one time I couldn't. It was her scent it grew so much more when she became more aroused by Yoongi. It was a turn on itself to just watch her but when she made that wonderful sound I moved with out thinking and acted without a second thought to what she would think about it. I guess in that moment I was selfish and I just didn't care. She was delicious either way and everyone woman I've drained tonight is nothing compared to her. I can't get her taste out of my mind and nothing was satisfying me at all.

"Jimin you must stop yourself. That's your third." Taehyung

I dropped the barely there woman to the floor. I don't care about her, I don't care about any human except for her, my soulmate. I ever agreed for humans to come here is to learn about our ways of life so the new generation can stay out of our way.

"Your one to talk. Namjoon and the others think that's it's just me and Jungkook that has problems but you aren't any better."

I wiped the back of my mouth with my hand and stepped over the naked woman.

"I'm better at hiding at it." Taehyung

I scoffed and strolled to the far end of the dark room.

"Well you better hide her then before the others come back."

I pointed to another lifeless girl that was laying on a table behind him as he buckled up his own pants.

"I will. I've gone hundreds of years without them knowing so I think I can hide this one no problem." Taehyung

He grins and picks up the naked girl.

"Do you want me to take her too?" Taehyung

He points at the girl on the floor I just fed from. I listened to her heart beat that was barely there and shook my head.

"No she's still alive."

"But she won't be for long." Taehyung

I shrugged and picked up a cloth to wipe my hands with.

"I don't care."

"Okay suit yourself." Taehyung

He ran out the back way of the dark room and I sighed to myself, throwing the cloth down to then sit on the chair close by. I'm starting to feel guilty for doing this kind of stuff down here ever since y/n came to the castle but it's gonna take a lot more than that to stop me or any of us for that matter. I'd rather take out my true self on someone else than y/n.

My ears picked up the doors closing from down the hall just beyond the doors and the footsteps on the others. The jugs on que the double doors banged open to reveal and angry Jin.

"Jimin! How could you lose your cool like that you could of seriously hurt her!" Jin

I groaned and shook my head.

"I know I know. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

"It better not." Jin

"Where's Taehyung and Jungkook?" Namjoon

He was looking around the room while I sat lazily in the chair.

"I'm right here."

Taehyung comes casually walking back in with his hands in his pockets. He always knows how to clean himself up from any blood being spilt. I rolled my eyes again at his clean attire.

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