Chapter 19 🌹

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Today is Sunday and you know what that means? Chill.

Its a day to chill and lounge about before you have classes in the morning.

Joy was on our shared bed playing a round on her phone. Irenes been trying to talk to her through texts but joy blocked her. She hasn't been brave enough to try and talk to me and thank god she hasn't I couldn't care if I ever saw her again actually. Her and Kai, I would never talk to them again.

There was a knock on the door so I stood up from the bath and stepped out to wrap a towel around my wet body just as I heard Joy skip over to the door and open it.

"Oh hello." Joy

I wonder who it could be, I wasn't expecting anyone.

"Y/n!! It's for you!!" Joy


Without thinking I just stepped out the bathroom with nothing more than just a towel. I didn't care if Joy saw me she's seen me like that plenty times before and I've seen her in just a towel too. Just best friend things I suppose.

I stopped mid way to the door when I saw all seven kings standing there with their mouth hanging open and even Jungkook let a gulp slip. It made my chuckle to myself, just yesterday he wouldn't leave me alone and was all over me and now he's reacting like a little shocked boy who saw boobs for the first time even though he can't see mine. In fact I wasn't shy that they could see me this way and judging by Joy's face she found this very amusing to see them freeze like they were as she closed the door behind them. They must of walked on in just before I made an appearance.

"Hello boys! What's up?"

Namjoon licked his lips to shake his head coming back to reality.

"Oh, we, er, we wanted to talk to you about something." Namjoon

I sat on my bed looking up to them holding onto the tip of the towel around my chest.

"Oh what's wrong?"

He shakes his head again.

"Nothing, we just wanted to ask you a question." Namjoon


I was in a very good mood after my bath and I've been getting on with all of them really well, it's like a true fit all of us together.

"But, Y/n could you put some clothes on first?" Yoongi

He was the first to walk towards me shockingly and take a seat next to me on the bed. Out of all of them I would of expected Jimin to make the first move to sit next to me almost naked but he still frozen in place, eyes fully on me to which I love that all their attention is on me.

"Okay. I'll be back in a minute."

I jumped up and walked back into the bathroom to get changed into some comfy clothes with was only a black pair of leggings, fluffy pink socks and a light pink coloured vest. I planned to be lazy today so I didn't want to dress in jeans or something.

After I was dressed I skipped back out and belly flopped onto my bed just as Joy grabbed some of her clothes and walked to the bathroom after me.

"I'm going to have a bath now, since you took your fracking time!" Joy

I laughed and playfully rolled my eyes just when she closed the door behind her.

"So what do you want to ask me?"

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