Chapter 43 🌹

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I had a secret.

I found out the day y/ns parents were killed.

In fact her mom told me something before everything kicked off that very same day and today I didn't have any afternoon classes and I rushed to Y/n's house to pick up a certain book her mom told me about that could give everyone the answers they've been asking for.

The vampires had a driver for me, so after asking for this massive favour from the very kind driver, I couldn't help but read the book in the back seat of the car.

It didn't take long to arrive at the castle and after now fully reading some parts in this handwritten book, which is in her moms handwriting, it all kind of makes sense in all the weird ways.

Quickly looking at my watch it was only just after one, so I had under an hour before she has her first check up and I wanted to show not only Y/n but all seven of them this book. Why Jia didn't tell anyone, this information? I don't know. I don't even know if her husband knew this too.

I ran in to the castle front door entrance with the book in my hands.


Within a second after my screaming, yelped out of surprise, to see Hoseok and Jungkook stood in front of me. Both sharing the same expressions on their faces, both frowning and dead serious as always. Jungkook had his arms crossed over his chest with his chin tilted up.

"What's that?" Hoseok

He pointed to the book in my hands but I only held in close to my chest.

"It's something that you all need to see. Where is everyone else?"

Jungkook shrugged and dropped his arms to his sides.

" I don't know." Jungkook

That's a lie right there. I know he always knows where Y/n is. I caught him out in it the other day and I even saw him, watching Y/n outside yesterday from a window in the corridor. He can't fool me, even if he tried.

"Namjoon's in his office, Jin is in his medical room and everyone else is in your room with Y/n. What's so urgent about that book?" Hoseok

His eyes were peaked with interest but I'm not going to tell just yet.

"Well I'll tell you all if you gather Namjoon and Jin and meet me in our bedroom."

I ran past them to the stairs, trying to skip some steps on my way up to get there faster.

"I'm still king you know! You can't tell me what to do!" Jungkook

I rolled my eyes but continued to run up the stairs to the landing.


I shouted back and disappeared around the corner and down the long corridor to the bedroom and then around another sharp corner. I ran as fast as I could until I reached my door and with out knocking just ran straight in. Why should I knock? It's my room too.

Y/n was sat on the bed, shock written all over her face but sat in between Jimin and Taehyung, while Yoongi was stood up, just two feet away from me with his red eyes, looking like he was ready to kill but stopped when he realised it was me.

"I have something to show all of you."

I waved the book in my hand I noticed how Y/n frowned at the sight of the book.

"Hey isn't that my moms book?" Y/n

I nod once, now ignoring Yoongis glares and walk past him to take up a spot on the end of the bed, next to Y/ns feet.

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