Chapter 53 🌹

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My first day back at school made everything seem so much more normal than everything actually was.

Sure I got a few stares from everyone because my soulmate that had been following me around all day. He acted more like a personal body guard then anything else and barely spoke to me through out the day. I don't know why he was the one to come on my first day back, but I'll catch him staring at me if he wasn't scoping out the place.

"Jeez, Jungkook you really need to lighten up a bit. You look like someone has slapped you in the face and your face muscles refuse to go back to normal!" Joy

We were all heading to our last class of the day which was biology.

Jungkook scoffed to roll his eyes with his hands behind his back walking down the halls right next to me as two more guards that follow Joy were right behind us. I could understand the stares form others seeing us like this. Sure I would stare too if I saw others walking around with two vampire guards in their red and black coloured suits and also in the constant presence of a vampire king at that one.

Walking into class myself and joy took our seats next to each other and for ready for our class to begin while Jungkook and the two guards walked to the back of class out the way of everyone piling into the room.

In the process of taking out my books my pencil that I already set on the desk rolled off. I rolled my eyes to slam my books on the desk to bend down but joy stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

"I'll get it for you." Joy

I frowned at her.

"I'm quite capable of getting it myself joy."

I bent to the side to reach for it again but she pulled on my shoulder with a bit more force this time.

"No! Y/n you're pregnant so I'll get it!" Joy

She said it a little more louder than she expected and quickly covered her mouth with her two hands with a sharp gasp and tears to her eyes. People started to whisper already about it and I could hear my name mentioned from the girl on the next desk on my right.


"Y/n, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to blurt it out like that." Joy

She bent doesn't to pick up my pencil and whisper to me as she did so.
I'm not angry just, I didn't want people to find out yet especially when not everyone will know about my relations with the vampire kings.

"It's okay joy. I'm not mad."

With that said she quickly plopped her butt on the chair next to me and pulled me in for a quick hug.

"I'm sorry y/n. Really I am." Joy

I patted her back reassuringly just before we pulled apart and smiled at her.

"Really it's okay. They'll all find out anyway."

I shrugged and just moments later the teacher came walking in baring all smiles. That is until her eyes landed on Jungkook glaring at her from the back of the class.

She gulped and without saying a word she began to write on the board. She's probably scared Jungkook would pounce on her if she said anything wrong. Namjoon told me this morning that all the teachers know of this new arrangement of one of them attending school with me but it'll still be the shock of seeing them in person since they don't deal with humans and awful lot.

Throughout the lesson now and again I would hear whispers of my name. I have no idea what they're saying but can only hear my name being mentioned.

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