Chapter 14 🌹

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When I entered Y/n's room I placed her down on her bed, but kept her close to me. I didn't want to let her and she smelled so sweet. In this moment it made me appreciate my self control more. I'm thankful that she also seen the light about that douche bag. Now he can go away but he's got luck on his side that Y/n didn't want him dead otherwise he would of been, by the hands of Jungkook, while I happily watched. He never deserved her and now she's in my arms where she belongs and not in his.

It made me sad though that she had to find out this way since we did hear everything that was said but after he hit her that was the last time he was ever going to touch her, ever!

Surprisingly though she wasn't crying about the situation, she had watery eyes but never had them fall. She only held onto me tighter every time I was to move, not to get away from her but to make myself comfy lying on her bed next to her.


That must be her friend, but I don't know her name.

"Y/n, king Jin told me what happened!"

She walked closer but stood at the bed and bowed to me lightly with a small smile while I nod at her and give her one back. She's Y/ns friend so I'm going to be nice.

"How is she Hoseok?" Jin

He walks up from behind the girl with his eyes on Y/n who hasn't even bothered turning around from my chest to see her friend or even speak.

"I think she's okay. She hasn't spoken though."

"Y/n, it's me, joy."

She took one step closer and I watched her very carefully with her movements, she may be her friend but this girl in my arms is my mate and I'll protect her from anyone. Y/n started to shift until she brought up her hand to her nose and wiped herself even though there was nothing there to begin with.

"Joy?" Y/n

She whispered and I looked down, to move back a little to get better view of her face. I can never get over her beauty, she's perfect in everyway possible from her pink soft looking lips to the way her long eyelashes move as she blinks. Everything about her takes my breath away.

"Yes Y/n, it's me. Are you okay?" Joy

Y/n looks up at me with her sparkling brown eyes, perfection. She blinks once and smiles gently. It surprised me how she could smile in this situation but I couldn't help but chuckle and smile wider back to her. I kissed the top of her head, my lips just brushing the skin from her forehead as I kiss her hairline. Her friend Joy gasped but I didn't take notice and Y/n didn't seem to mind. Maybe this is the start?

Y/n shuffled more to turn around but I didn't want to let her go yet and allowed her to turn around to face Joy and Jin standing next to the bed.

"I'm okay Joy, honest." Y/n

"Are you sure?" Joy

Y/n nodded with the back of her head rubbing against my chest.

"Surprisingly yes. I just had tears of anger that's all. I should of noticed there was something going on between them." Y/n

"Between who?" Joy

"You don't have to talk about it Y/n if you don't want to." Jin

Y/n sighed and placed her small hands on wrapped around her waist, to keep her close to me.

"It's okay, really. Joy, Kai had been sleeping with Irene and she's pregnant which explains why she's not been well and been acting weird with me." Y/n

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