Chapter 63 🌹

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Another few weeks have past and the little guy is already growing so fast.

It'll be my turn very soon and I couldn't be more nervous about that.

The boys had to go for a meeting about something I'm not too sure what it's about since I wasn't really paying attention so here I am in Irene and Kai newly decorated bedroom.

"I can never get over the fact you got a new decorated room before me and I've been living here longer than you AND Kai!" Joy

"Yeah just for a few days Joy."

I rolled my eyes completely over her whining about getting a new decorated room since all the bedrooms are currently being decorated and designed into something more updated.

It took a lot of convincing on my part and some were easier than others with my soulmates. It's just the one bedroom they never want changed and that's their parents and of course I agreed that bedroom will never be touched. That's their parents room and it should be left as such.

"You forget it was like a little surprise for the new little family."

I added more as I look down at the little baby boy lying in the bed next to Irene laying down on her side. I would lay down next to the baby on the other side but I'm worried I wouldn't be able to get back up because I'm freaking huge and uncomfortable as it is. So instead I sit on the edge of the bed.

"But still that's not the point. In fact this little guy makes up for it." Joy

She cooed at the smiling baby and tickled his tummy hovering over him. It amazes me how quick she changes from jealous little girl to an absolute woman is pure awe at the cute baby.

"Joy don't tickle him too much like last time. You made him puke." Irene

She chuckled and brushed his little spiky hair that makes him so much more adorable.

"Hey where is Kai by the way?"

I asked Irene and she looks at me and waves her hand.

"Oh he'll be here in a minute. He was taking a quick phone call so that means you have to stay here." Irene

She frowns at me and points to the bed. Since little bobby has been born she's become the mother figure around here. But I'm constantly reminded that will soon be me and to be honest I can't wait. That's if I survive this since no one really knows if I will or not but I try not to think about it, it dampens the mood.

"Okay I'll stay. I know the rules."

I laughed grabbed bobbys little chubby hand between my fingers.

"Sorry I took so long. The call wasn't suppose to take longer than two minutes." Kai

He burst through the door closing it behind him and rushing over to the bed to sit behind Irene. They don't kiss or anything in front of me and I wouldn't care if they did. I kiss Taehyung in front of them all the time since Tae can't stop smothering me in kisses sometimes when he gets all affection with his mood sometimes. Even Jimin or Hoseok get like that sometimes too but I'm not complaining.

"Well you're here now."

"Guys! I have to go! Somi just texted me saying she's here!" Joy

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