Chapter 72 🌹

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All three of us girls gathered in the babies room that Joy created for me. My soulmates had a little to do with it apparently but mostly Joy. The room is connected to my joint master bedroom that I have with my soulmates with a bed big enough to fit the eight of us on it. It was specially made anyway and it would have to be to hold that amount of people on it.

Us three girls in the baby room with all five babies in the bedroom. It was their nap time since we managed to get all babies to sleep in the same routine which makes it easier to deal with five babies all together. Just looking at them all you can tell they're going to be close as they grow up together.

I insisted that Irene put Bobby in the same bed with Luna. There's only a couple weeks age difference between then since my babies were born three weeks earlier but still very healthy. Irene was hesitant about putting them in the same bed since she knows how Taehyung is with Luna right now, very over protective for a two week old baby. He's not the only overprotective about her the other six are too it's just Taehyung is worse. Though they are protective about all the babies and love them just as much but I think because she's the only girl it's a little more.

"They're so adorable sleeping together like this. If we stay quiet we can hear their little snoozing." Joy

She excitedly whispers trying to contain her own happiness from becoming too much and waking up the babies and ruining their nap time which is a disaster when that happens, like total meltdown.

"Joy would you ever have children with Somi?" Irene

She randomly asks, whispering over the babies as we all stand around the joining beds in the middle of the room. Joy drops her excided state and drops her hands to her sides, blush appearing on her cheeks. The both just revealed their in a relationship now and officially dating. Joy also told her family about her relationship with somi and they accepted it straight away but they had a hard time with the news that somi is a vampire and lets just say joy said it was a very emotional conversation with her family because joy can stay young forever with the help of drinking the blood of her soulmate to which she hasn't started doing yet but to know that she'll watch her family grow old and die it hard to all of them.

"I don't know maybe someday we'll adopt or something." Joy

She shrugs.

"So kids is definitely on the table then?"

I gave her a smug grin and she scoffed picking up a teddy bear from behind her and throwing it at me.

"Of course there is. I'd love to me a mother. Now what about you two?" Joy

She points at me and then Irene squinting her eyes at the both of us. Irene and myself just look at each other in question.

"We have children." Irene

"Yeah joy keep up, theyre right here."

I giggled trying to keep it down. Min-jun stirred a little bit in his sleep in the cot right in front of me. I froze my entire body staring down at him in case the slightest of movement woke him up, but no he just poured his plummy lips that matches jins and laid relaxed still in deep sleep.

"I know that you idiots. I'm talking about if you'll have anymore." Joy

She whisper yelled and I looked back down at Min-jun again, admiring his head of hair deeply thinking of I would have anymore kids.

"No I won't. Kai and I talked about it and didn't want to take any risks in having more since he's a vampire now. Plus bobby is enough for me." Irene

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