Chapter 18 🌹

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"I think we need to be more careful about what we do with y/n outside this castle." Yoongi

"I agree there." Namjoon

I sighed and rubbed my temple sitting on the sofa with my elbows resting on my knees.

"You have to admit though she had fun and so did everyone else."

"Yeah. I mean it's our garden!" Taehyung.

We know someone was watching us in our garden earlier this afternoon and we know exactly who it was, we didn't even notice his scent until we heard something snap from between the trees. I personally didn't see him but I heard him and I could smell him. He smells rotten, just like his own soul, disgusting.

"What's takings Jimin and Hoseok so long?" Jungkook

He was pacing back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back.

"Calm down Jungkook. They're only taking y/n to the dining hall for something to eat and they have to find Daehyun and bring him here so we can talk to him about this situation."

He nods but doesn't look my way when I've turned my whole body to watch him while I'm seated on the sofa.

"This Guy really gets on my last nerve." Taehyung

His hands balled into fists as he sits next to me and I don't blame him this guy has been trying to take us down for a very long time. He wants to try and control us in some way and agree to his way, the way he thinks we should live. He's up to something, I just know it, why else would he be here?

Jungkook gasps and throws a glass at the wall.


"What the hell?" Yoongi

"What if he now knows about y/n? About who she is to us?" Jungkook

He was red faced and balled fists. He was pissed at the thought and it angered me too but I know how to keep my cool.

"God I hope not." Namjoon

The doors open and Hoseok, Jimin and Daehyun come walking in. Hoseok and Jimin don't look happy but they know the current situation where as Daehyun was clueless and confused to why he would be asked to come to our office for this private meeting.

"Was y/n okay leaving her in the dining hall?" Taehyung

Jimin huffed and ruffled his hair and sitting in a single seated chair in the far end of the room while Hoseok nodded.

"Yes she's fine. She's with joy and I order butler Choi to keep a close eye on her just in case." Hoseok

"You didn't tell him about you know who did you?" Namjoon

None of us can say that vampires name. We hate him with every bone in our bodies so to say his name is like a unspoken swear. Jimin scoffs and folds his arms over his chest rolling his eyes. I could smack him right now for his rudeness but because of the stress I'll let it slide.

"No I didn't tell him why." Hoseok

"I beg your pardon but what's going on here?" Daehyun

He was glancing at each of us individually and I knew he could tell we were all stressed and worried which is not common for us at all. We're use to acting first and ask questions later, but this time we know it involves y/n and we have to be careful.

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