Chapter 48 🌹

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To pass time I like to spend time in our massive library. It's actually been a while since I've been in here, I've just been too stressed to even think about it.

Since y/n is safe here with us and her friends and her family are okay then I have no worries right now, but I do still need to talk to y/n about this ball coming up in a few months. She's staying here and it could be risky with other vampires around, but we'll never leave her side again.

I didn't know what kind of book I fancied reading. I scrolled through all the shelves and I just couldn't decide. Did I want adventure, or mystery or even something romantic?

Hell I couldn't decide. Maybe I wasn't really ready to get back into reading again. Usually I could pick something quite fast to read but nope, I just can't pick.

I stood on the top floor of the library skimming through ever book here. After more than 200 years of living I've read every book here but there's no harm in reading them again.

Frustrated with my own self I took an book and threw it to the bottom floor, landing to the floor with an echoed thud. I scoffed at my own self and decided I'll just come back another day, turning away from the books to walk towards the little stairs in the corner.

"Namjoon?" Y/n

I stopped in my steps and looked over the railings to find y/n, bending down to pick up the book I threw on the floor. I was that frustrated I didn't even realise she came into the room.

"What are you doing here y/n?"

She inspected the book in her small hands then looked up to me leaning over to see her down below.

"I was looking for you. This place is huge." Y/n

She spun around slowly with her head tilted in the air, taking in every detail of the large room with her beautiful brown eyes.

"Well it would have to be for all these books."

I chuckled and without thinking much of it, jumped over the railing to fall down to the bottom floor and land on my own two feet perfectly in front of y/n. She flinched back startled and I could help but laugh at her reaction, hugging the book like it could protect from danger. There was no danger but I guess that would be any humans reaction.

"What can I help you with y/n?"

She had to be here for something.

"I have two things you could help me with." Y/n

I nodded at her and watched her walk over to the solid wooden table with a massive antique lamp and place the old book on the table gently.

"What is it?"

She turned around to face me with a gentle smile on her face.

"I wanted to ask you where my moms book is that joy found the other day. I would like to read what else she wrote in there if that's okay?" Y/n

"Of course. I'll go get it for you."

With large steps I walked to the other side of the room towards a massive single black door.

"Where are you going?" Y/n

"To get your moms book."

"But the exit is that way." Y/n

I couldn't see her since I had my back to her but i couldn't help the laugh escape my lips.

"Y/n, I put her book in here for safe keeping. It would be must safer in this room than anywhere else. Especially my office."

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