Chapter 68 🌹

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~Y/N POV ~


Taehyungs voice ripped through the basement with aloud enough echo to shake the room. He was enraged and it scared me a little bit.

"You heard me! I'm y/ns birth daughter and I've finally come back to do what I should of done along time ago." Mother

She spat at Taehyung who was ready to lunge at her but stopped himself when he noticed her grip around my neck squeeze a little more at a time.

"DONT. YOU. DARE." Taehyung

He warn her but she only laughed and let go of my belly to grab my arm instead and harshly pull me up to my feet. I staggered a little bit and Taehyung took one more step towards us but my mother only squeezed harder for a couple seconds so I could breath. I tried to turn her way to slap her away in hope to help me but it was no use, she kept me firm in my place with only one grip of the arm.

"STOP IT!!!" Taehyung

He roared at her and my mother loosens the grip on my neck with a laugh.

"I must say to see you squirm the way you are is very amusing to me. To have this power over you is just exhilarating, now back up so we can get out of this small space. Can't you see the pregnant girl needs space?" Mother

She chuckled and smiled at Taehyung who only stared back at her blinking a few times before he groaned in frustration and stepped backwards until his back collided with the wall opposite the door.

"That's a good pet. We can't have y/n give birth in a closet now can we?" Mother

She dragged me out the closet and pulled me down the small corridor we came from before with Taehyung very close behind.

"Give birth? What? TELL ME RODANT!!" Taehyung

He screamed at her again, the walls shaking around us just as we came to a wide open space with stairs and very little lighting. Normally I would laugh at the name he gave her but I was in no situation to do such a thing.

She abruptly stopped and turned around letting go of my arm and whipping her body right around to face Taehyung and slap him on the cheek with the back of her hand.

At that moment she knew, she fucked up.

Taehyungs head was forced to face the wall to the side of him after the impact of the slap. He began to shake with such anger rising within himself, his nose started twitching as well as his right eye.

My mother dropped her smug confident look and opened and closed her mouth a few times, scared of what to say next. Her grip around my neck loosened until she finally dropped her hand to her sides and again she fucked up. Her touch on my body seemed to be the only thing protecting her from harm but the moment she let go, she was grabbed around her own neck by Taehyungs large hands and together Taehyung ran to the far end of open spaces room and pinned her against the wall so hard it shook at impact.

I dropped to my knees of pain when another contraction surprised me, cramping up in my lower abdomen again. My mother's cries in pain echoed around the room but I didn't care, not one bit.

"Taehyung!! Wait!!" Namjoon

A pair of hands pulled me up into their arms but I felt like I could hardly move, the pain was getting worse.

"Why?! Why should I wait after what she did to y/n! She had the balls to slap me?!" Taehyung

He screamed but Namjoon ran into sight and halted at the woman with a hand in Taehyungs shoulder.

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