Chapter 25 🌹

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A month had past by now, and it's been one long month at that.

Life has pretty much almost gone back to normal except the odd disappearance of Kai. I haven't seen him since he showed me the basement, but it's not really my problem anymore.

My sole focus is to concentrate on graduation in three months time. I may not be living in that castle like planned but I still decided to stick to finding a job in childcare.

That's my now future goal.

But sometimes I lose that focus. I didn't think that this whole vampire mate thing would affect me so much but I had to leave, I couldn't stay there, it was horrible what they were doing. It's affected me in a way that I can't help but have nightmares or can't bring myself to sometimes because of the pain in my chest that comes and goes. I'm human, I didn't think it could give me so much pain but luckily my parents are there for me, more so my mom than my dad much to his disappointment but he says he sometimes can't help but go and answer their calls, since they are not only his bosses but his kings too. But I don't grudge him for it, I have my mom so it's okay.

Ugh, I can't think about this stuff while I'm studying. I have an exam coming up soon and I have to pass this. I've been reading the same sentence in my textbook, over and over again Beginning to get frustrated with myself there was a knock on the door that distracted me.

"Come in."

I slammed my book shut to turn to the door while I'm seated in my desk chair in the corner of my room.

"Honey I brought you lunch." Mom

She pops in through the door with a plate in her hands but I sighed and shook my head at her.

"Thanks but I'm not hungry mom."

She visibly frowns to come in further into the room to shut the door behind her and place the plate on a side unit next to my bed.

"Y/n, you need to eat something. You didn't eat last night or have breakfast this morning." Mom

She said as she took up space on the edge of my bed. I just shrugged at her.

"I've not been hungry."

I started to sway my chair side to side since it's one of those office chairs that that can turn around in a full circle without having to move the chair itself. My mom sighed to then pat the space next to her, so I got up from the chair to sit next to her like she silently asked.

"Y/n, you can't hide anything from me. I know you're hurting and they are too, believe me. It amazes me with how you father can even mange them right now from what he tells me." Mom

I huffed and scowled to glare at the floor.

"It's their fault anyway. How can they do that to those girls? It's horrific and disgusting. They probably weren't even in their right minds. They were probably compelled or something."

I then gasped when a thought popped into my mind, that seemed to startle my mom.

"What if they compelled me to feel the way I do? What if they compelled me to sleep with them mom?"

Her eyes were twice the size when I finally looked at her face.

"No, sweetie they wouldn't of done that." Mom

I glared at her next to me and she glared back.

"How would you know?"

"Okay first, I get that you're hurting but don't look at me like that, I'm still your mother." Mom

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