Chapter 31 🌹

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Waking up with a groggy head and a high fever was not ideal, especially to wake up in a dark airy room that I actually thanked was cold at this present time, but I had no idea where I was.

I just remember Kai injected me with something and joy.

I gasp to myself in memory.

Is she okay?
Is she alive ?

I can't lose her too. They killed my parents and I don't want to lose joy too. I'll have no one and Kai would of taken everyone from me.

Fresh memories of my mom and dads death flood my mind as soon as my mind becomes clear from waking up and I just brush into tears all over again.

I'll never see them again, they were my family even without being blood related.

Continuing to sob as I lean up against the cold brick wall in this cell like room and pulling my knees up to my chest. I'm scared, alone and mourning the death of my mom and dad that were killed in front of me.

My head feels like it could now burst from the pain of crying so hard but I didn't care. What else would I have to live for if I die that way. It's likely Joy is dead and why the hell would my soul mates come looking for me when they know I've rejected them. They probably would think I wouldn't want them too, but I do.

Oh god I do.

I need them more than ever and save me from where ever I am.

"Y/n, stop the crying. Your fine."

I ignore him and refuse to look his way when I saw his figure at the bars of my cell.

"You can't ignore me forever y/n."

"Go away Kai."

I whimpered from my current cry to then wipe my eyes constantly from the tears. I heard him sigh from the bars.

"Y/n please. Just stop crying. He'll hear you and come down." Kai

I scoff to roll my eyes at him but still refusing to stare down at the black stone floor.

"How can I when you killed my mom and dad. Joys probably dead too because of you!"

This time I turned around to look at him as he leaned up against the bars with one arm hanging inside.

"I didn't kill them. Hyeons men did and Joy is alive, well she was when we left." Kai

"Who's hyeon?"

I squinted my eyes at him. I could barely see him actually, just his figure but not his face or the colour of clothes he wears.

"That would be me my dear." ??

Another man, slightly shorter than Kai but bigger built came to view. Like Kai I couldn't see his face but something felt off with him.

"W-who are you?"

"My names hyeon. It's nice to finally meet you."

For some reason I could imagine this man smiling.

"What do you want with me?"

He laughed for a brief second and Kai became still and quiet at the bars next to him.

"I want to use you. Use you to make those so called kings of mine loose their minds and become who they truly are and lift all laws they set in place." Hyeon

"Why? They couldn't care now. I rejected them."

His head moved up and down to which I assume he's nodding.

"Yes that's true. My informant told me so. But it's interesting to know how little you know about all this soulmate stuff. You see even with the rejection the bond can still be there if your heart truly didn't believe your words." Hyeon


"I didn't know that."

He chuckles again.

"There seems to be more you don't know y/n." Hyeon

"What do you mean?"

"You'll find out soon enough. It's only been 24 hours and the kings, well at least three of them have caused up a storm in a near by village." Hyeon

What did they do?
They're looking for me?

"I can see those wheel turning in your little mind y/n." Hyeon

He sounds amused by my cluelessness and it bothers me. With my crying slowly now coming to a stop while I talk to him, my breathing started to pick up with a hot flash.

"Are you a vampire too?"

"Oh yes I am y/n. I thought that would of been clear to you by now." Hyeon

There was a pause in the room and I noticed how Kai shifted to remove his arm from the bars.

"I guess in your current situation. You won't be able to think clearly." Hyeon

He darkened his tone of voice which would normally scare me but I started to burn up and a rush of pain erupted from my lower back.

I whined and fell to the sit and onto the floor. Kai moved towards the lock of the cell but Hyeon moved his hand in front of him to stop him.

"Don't boy. Remember who turned you." Hyeon

Kai pauses to then move back and sigh but I turned to my side and curl up in a ball now to shaking from fever. This is the hottest I've ever felt.

I don't care right now that kai is a vampire I just want out of here and to a hospital which is what I clearly need.

"She's going to be a lost cause I think. If I don't kill her myself the fever certainly will." Hyeon

"But that would shorten your plan if she dies." Kai

"It would but it can't be helped. There's very little she knows and things just got interesting." Hyeon

Why is he know talking like I'm not here?

"Well good luck with surviving the night y/n. It would be nice for you to join us upstairs if you do." Hyeon

I don't want to go upstairs unless I'm being freed. God knows what his plan would be.

"Let's go boy. We have things to do." Hyeon

"Yes sir." Kai

Hyeon disappears from the bars and only left a figure of Kai standing there. Watching me like I was a pet in a zoo but I didn't care right now. I needed to push through this fever.

"Kai!! Now!!" Hyeon

I flinched at the shouting from further down, outside my cell. Kai looked away and then back to me before walking away from sight.

I will live through this. I have to.

I won't let this fever beat me, I can't, I won't.

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