Chapter 78 🌹

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(5 years later)

A busy five years have past by in a flash.

Fun and heartwarming memories made but very busy but that's what you can expect from a castle expanding full of children.

I mean now there's seven children running around this place and I'm currently 5 months pregnant with a further two. This time, one child belongs to Namjoon and the second Taehyung, he just wanted one more because I told all of them this is my last pregnancy and that's it I'm done after this. Nine children all in one home is just enough, it's already crazy here but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Today was an especially crazy day because Irene and Kai have finally decided to tie the knot. They're the last couple out of all of us to get married since joy and somi got married just two years ago now.

I'm currently on duty to find out where my husbands are and check that all the kids are ready and dressed. I don't have to worry about bobby since he is currently dressed in his little suit and with Kai, Jimin and Taehyung. So that was two husbands out of seven so there was five more missing with the remaining children. Well all except Dohyun, my two year old son who was fathered by Jimin. He's the spitting image of Jimin and the only thing he happend to have inherited from me would be the tick head of hair and the ears that's it. He's so small and follows me everywhere so when I tried to leave Kai and my two husbands to find the others Dohyun wanted to come with me instead of staying with his dads.

So I took him with me, carrying him on my hip waking through the halls to the kids joint bedroom which is the only place they could be.

Jimin said that they sent Jin and Hoseok to check on Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi who were left alone with the kids for half an hour but none of them came back. There's no time to play today, Irene was currently getting her dress on with the help of her mother, sister and joy so I needed to make sure everyone was ready.

I've come to find over the years that the boys are push overs with the children, and I'm more the authority figure. We do have times where the roles are reversed depending the situation but it's normally this way.

Dohyun laid his head on my shoulder without saying a peep, he's quiet that way just like his older brother yeonjun who happened to have taken a major big brother role to. They can be hard to separate sometimes, they even share the same bunk beds in the bed where all the kids sleep in one big bedroom. Yeonjun on top and Dohyun on the bottom. Yeonjun may come lacross as unbothered sometimes but when it comes to Dohyun it's a whole different story.

With one hand, after I finally approached the double doors to the large kids bedroom I pushed it open while still holding Dohyun in my other arm.

There was laughter heard before the door was fully open so they were definitely in here.

Upon opening the door fully Ren ran over to me squealing in excitement and laughter along with his youngest brother 4 year old Jeong, Jungkooks son. The very same child we conceived on our wedding night.

The two boys wrapped their arms around my legs as if they were trying to hide.

"Mommy!! Save us from the wolf!!" Ren

"He keeps chasing us!" Jeong

I chuckled a little bit at the two mommy's boys for which they are. Out of all the children the three kids that were clinging onto me were the mommy's boys.

"I'll get you little piglets!" Hoseok

Came dancing over, his hair spiked up in the top of his head shaped like wolf ears.

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