Chapter 8 🌹

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I couldn't sleep at all last night. I kept tossing and turning, just thinking about those seven kings. Usually I think about Kai when I try to sleep but it didn't work, I couldn't.

The kings didn't show up for the evening meal last night, which had everything one question why. I knew why of course and I've only told joy of the news.

Of course I told my best friend and I had no choice to tell her since I literally burst into our room like my life depended on it. She was a little disappointed that Jimin was my soulmate, knowing there's no chance of her going there now since his attention will be on me but she was happy for me in a strange way. She even told she thinks I would be better off with them than Kai and I couldn't believe it when she said that. We stopped talking about it in case it led to an argument.

Even though we arrived yesterday, we have two days of free time, getting to know our surrroundings and plus it's the weekend anyway so it would make sense to start the lessons on Monday.

I was so looking forward to this weekend exploring but butler Choi knocked on my door this rmorning to hand me my own schedule and it read that I was meant to meet with the kings again and spend some time with them.

I felt like I had no choice but to do that. My dad pulled me to the side yesterday evening to tell me the after math of what happened after I left and let's just say he's lucky he's known them for a very long time otherwise he would of been dead since Jungkook couldn't get to me he tried to attack my dad for the first time ever but thanks to Namjoon and Jin they stopped him. Even more reason to not like Jungkook now I'm my opinion.

I sigh to myself, thinking about my original plans for the first day in this place it was to visit the garden with kai, Joy and Irene but now it's planned differently.

Checking my face in the mirror once more for any left over tooth paste from brushing my teeth and then making my way out the bed room I share with joy. I didn't have to say my goodbyes since she already left with Irene.

I was instructed that every time that I would meet up with the kings it would be in the office first and then just go from there. The rest of what we're going to do is unclear.

Of course I texted Kai to let him know that I've been requested by the kings to get to know each other more since my dad works for them and he bought it. I didn't want to tell him the real reason to why because just the excuse I gave him he wasn't too happy about it.

As I walked down the hallway, I checked my phone once more for any texts but none other than the one from my mom wishing me good luck with today. My big guess is that my dad told her what happened yesterday.

Reaching the double wooden doors again I stopped to think about the memory of what happened yesterday. I don't want it to happen again, I really do want to get to know them but only on a friendship level. They've worked with my dad in a way for hundreds of years and I'm fascinated by their way of life and their home, it's beautiful.

I knocked on the door once, just once and I was immediately pulled in through the door for my face to collide with a chest and a hand running through my hair.


There's that deep voice again. He comes across as shy right now but something tells me he could possibly hold the same temper as Jungkook, in fact I think they all do.


I simply say back, already feeling awkward.

"Taehyung let her go. She just got here." Jin

He now comes into view as Taehyung let's me go with a little smile before turning around to stand in front of the fire place next to Yoongi who again was staring at me with no expression. But I'm going to ignore him and Jungkook today and just concentrate on the other five vampires.

"It's good to see you again y/n." Jin

"Thank you. You too."

We both bowed to one another at the same time and I froze before bursting into giggles. I was about to ask why he bows since he's royal king but Namjoons voice stopped me.

"Hey y/n! You came." Namjoon

He's now stood next to Jin and he was smiling, like properly smiling showing off his little cute dimples on each cheek. I just wanted to pinch them.

"Yes thank you for having me again."

I bowed again and he bowed back. Even though they want me to listen to them and break up with Kai I might as well be polite, there's no harm.

Sudden arms wrapped around me from behind which startled me, and his nose brushed past my neck taking a sniff.

"I didn't think you would come after Jungkook yesterday with his disrespectful behaviour."

He took another deep sniff before heavily sighing and pulling away to now stand in front of me with his hand in mine. It didn't feel awkward so I didn't pull away from him, friends can hold hands can't they? The boy/ girl type of friends, ugh, it doesn't matter anyway it's not like Kai would know.

"You look amazing as ever."

He pulled up my hand into the air with his and forced me to do a slow spin around.


He licked his lips, as his eyes travelled up and down my body.

"Jimin you big flirt, control your urges! You stick of hormones." Jin

Jin rolled his eyes to then pick up a glass of something before sniffing it and then taking a sip of whatever it was. Since his cup was silver I couldn't see what it was but my guess was blood by the way he smelt it before drinking it.

Jimin then proceeded to guide me to the sofa and gesture for me to sit next to him, with Hoseok already sitting in the other side.

"So what do you want to do today?" Namjoon

The question shocked me. I thought they were going to pick?

"Oh erm. I don't really know. What is there to do around here?"

"Anything you like." Hoseok

He whispered in my ear, that caused goosebumps on my skin from the shivers down my spine.

"There's a music room, art room and even theatre room. You can watch anything you like there." Jin

"How about the garden?" Yoongi

That was the first time I heard his voice. It shocked me to hear how deep and husk his voice was at that moment but his eyes were on me but this time his lips curved slightly into a very very small smile.

Truth is I would love to see their garden. It was one of my first plans and I might even see my friends and Kai there.

"Can we do that?"

"To the garden?" Jimin

He stared into my eyes when I looked at him as he asked me. I nodded at him, giving him a smile which in return he smiled back and giggled. All just because I smiled at him, okay then?

"Yes. I'd love to see your garden!"

"Fine." Jungkook

I leaned back in the sofa to look up at him from behind me. He had his body pressed against the back of the sofa where I'm sat and stared down at me with a cocked eyebrow. What's he staring at?

I scoffed quietly and sat back up from the sofa.

"HA!" Taehyung

Jin whacked him in the chest with a scowl and Taehyung just rubbed his chest with a frown and a pout of the lips.

"Let's go then." Jimin

He stood up and pulled me up with him. I felt another hand slip into mine and it turned out to be Hoseok that showed me a wide smile, he has a beautiful smile.

Namjoon opened the doors to the office and we all walked out together as they showed me the way from their office.

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