Chapter 15 🌹

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I'm so nervous about tonight I don't know what it is about spending more time with them but I'm also excited too.

It will certainly pull my thoughts away from Kai. He has been trying to speak to me all day surprisingly which actually led to Taehyung and Namjoon making appearances to my classes and giving him a warning.

Everyone in my class knows what happen between me and him and also Irene. Everyone thought it was dirty what they did to me but I don't care anymore actually I'm getting over it very easily. Maybe it's this mate thing with the kings that has me feeling this way. My mom did say our souls are bound together so that could be a massive help.

After my classes of course we had our evening meal to which all seven kings attended this time but their eyes watching Kai with every move he made. He sat far away from me thank god and even Irene was brave enough to sit next to him.

Myself and joy walked back to our rooms, she needed to grab her books while I changed into my pyjama shorts and a long hoodie. I don't know if shorts were a good idea but that's all I really brought with me. I shrugged it off anyway and waited for someone to come to the door since I didn't know where I would be going.

I waved off joy as she left and sat on the bed waiting until there was a knock on the door.

I rushed over to open it and it was Hoseok. He smiled brightly at me and I giggled at his cheerful mood.

"Let's go y/n!" Hoseok

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out my room as I used my other hand to shut my door laughing at his eager ness.

He walked so fast it was hard to keep up but I couldn't help but laugh about it.

"Hobi, slow down your walking too fast."

I shocked myself with the name I gave him but he didn't say anything about it and stopped to pick me up like he did yesterday and carried on walking with me in his arms. It's quite nice to be treated like this, just a simple pick up and held in his arms was nice. Kai never did anything like that before.

It didn't take long to get to where we were going but he had to go down a few stairs which was like a basement but before he opened the white double doors I noticed further down was huge brown wooden doors with metal. They seemed eerily creepy and dark, I wonder what was behind there but at the same time something in the back of my mind was telling me I really didn't want to know.

Hobi kicked open the door and walked in with me in his arms.

"Oh man! Seriously! You got to carry her again!" Taehyung

"Let me carry her!" Jimin

He literally popped out of nowhere with his arms stretched out for me. Hobi pulled away and turned his body away from Jimin.

"No im carrying her. Y/n where would you like to sit?" Hobi

Now I looked around the room, it was big and I noticed towards the back was a large sofa type seat thing and it looked comfy but Yoongi was already lying there with his feet stretched out the way. He was watching me but compared to usual he's giving off an open aura about him, usually he's quite closed off but just now he seems more light and open.

"Can I sit up there please?"

I pointed to a spot next to Yoongi who's eyes grew slightly but didn't move an inch.

" you want to sit next to him?" Jin

He pointed while I just nodded shyly.

"Okay then." Hobi

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