Chapter 26 🌹

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My dad thought it would be best to have this discussion in the comfort of his office. It smelled like him so it was a sense of comfort in a way.

The last time I was here I begged my dad to take me home, but now here I am waiting in my dads office as he gathers the kings.

He knew of a way to hide my scent to sneak me in. He had me wear his jacket and wear his cologne but also to wear my moms clothes and shoes. Nothing I was wearing was my own clothes. He said it might not even work but they're not so sharp on their senses right now to probably even notice.

I was so nervous I felt like I could throw up. How are they going to react when they see me?

Will it be good or bad?

Soon enough I heard voices outside the door that became louder and louder as they approached. The butterflies picked up in my stomach and my heart started to pound heavy in my chest which I know being around vampires is not a good thing because they'll be able to hear it and sadly they did.

"Daehyun! You've you got in your office?!"

That was the first time in a month I've heard Jins voice. I tried to keep myself together and not fall apart. Deciding that I'll look to the floor when they come in which would be any minute now.

"Boys calm down, please. I'll explain everything." Dad

"Move!" Jungkook

I held a breath when the double doors pushed open with a breeze. Normally there isn't a breeze inside but maybe it's because of how fast Jungkook most of moved.

The air became still and quiet. I knew they were all there standing there, watching me. But I couldn't bring myself to look at them while I sat behind my dads desk as if it could protect me somehow.

Nobody said anything and it was becoming awkward. A little more relief washed over me when I felt my dads hand on my shoulder. I knew it was him because of his shoes standing next to me.

"Gentlemen can you please take a seat." Dad

My dads grip on my shoulder tightened for a split second.

"We're still your kings Daehyun!" Jimin

He snapped at my dad but my dad didn't seem to flinch. I hope they haven't been talking to him like that all the time.

"Yes I know. But I'm not talking to you right now as your adviser. I'm talking to all of you as a friend. Now please sit." Daehyun

My dad was behaving oddly calm but I suppose he has to be, he wouldn't I want to set everything off. There were more sounds of shuffling feet before sit all came to a stop.

"Okay, now there's a reason to why y/n is here and sh-" dad

"I'm here! I'm here!" Mom

She burst into the room and I finally sprung my head up to the sound of my moms voice. Now I was definitely more relaxed with my mom around, as much as I love me dad, my mom is the other female presence in the room and has been my rock.

"Honey your always late." Dad

He chuckled and I watched how my mom smiled at my dad to walk over and take his hand in hers.

"I know I'm sorry. I took the car." Mom

"But I took y/n in mine." Dad

I was in awe at the way they looked at one another but the moment was cut off with a scoff I could regnosie from Yoongi.

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