Chapter 51 🌹

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"Y/n your bath is ready!" Tae

He shouted from the bathroom and I stood up in my bathrobe, rolling my eyes at him but smiling too.

"Tae you really didn't have to make me one, I'm quite capable of doing it myself."

He comes bouncing out the bathroom, to take both my hands and planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"Nonsense, it's no bother." Taehyung

A sudden knock at the door interrupted the moment between the two of us and Taehyung sighs. He let go of my hands and literally dragged his feet towards the door, like a child and opens the door.

Both Yoongi and Jungkook were stood there. Yoongi nodded at me and Jungkook smiled with a little wave before putting both hands behind his back. I waved both of them hello receiving smiles and waves back from both of them and walked onto the bathroom when the three of them started talking.

Like Taehyung had said the bath was already made, filled with bubbles and the scent of roses filled the room. It was nice and warming so I took of bathrobe and hung it on the back of the door and carefully stepped into the bath.

"Y/n! I have to go! Namjoon is looking for me! Love you!" Tae

I giggled at him.

"I love you too!"

I shouted back and the bedroom door closed but I could hear light footsteps coming walking towards the bathroom door. It had to be either Jungkook or Yoongi so I calmly sat down in the bath before completely laying back into the warm water and almost disappearing in the bubbles.

The bathroom door opened and I looked up to see Yoongi standing in the doorway smiling at me with his hands in his pockets.

"Hi Yoongi!"

"Hi." Yoongi

Quietly he stepped further into the room and sat on the toilet lid just next to the bath tub.

"Can you join me? It would be nice if you did."

I didn't plan on asking but the thought just came to mind and I thought it would be a good way to spend time with each other. Completely surprised by my question his eyes bulged out his head and nervously laughed.

"S-Sure." Yoongi

Wiping the smile of his face he scrunched up his face and mumbled a few words like he was cursing himself and stood up from the toilet seat and started stripping.

While he did that I sat up and slide a bit further down the tub so he could sit behind me and lifted my hands full of bubbles and blowed them away as I waited for him.

Not too long after listening to his clothes drop to the floor he slowly and carefully stepped into the bath and sat down behind me with his legs on either side of me. Once he was comfy enough, I leaned back into him, my back up against his chest and got comfy myself.

I heard him chuckle a little with his breath brushing last my ear and his hands taking both of mine to rest them both on my bloated belly.

"Did Namjoon tell you yet?" Yoongi

"About what?"

"About you going back to school next week." Yoongi

I gasped and slightly turned my upper body to allow myself to look him in the face to find him already smiling at me.

"Really?! I go back next week?"!

"Yeah, but one of us will be with you all the time though." Yoongi

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