Chapter 45 🌹

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~Taehyung POV~

We all sat in silence after y/n and joy went back to their room.

Y/n's face was priceless. She went pale at the sight at four babies, I on the other hand am secretly thrilled.

I hid the fact I wanted kids at some point in my life but never actually thought it would be a possibility and because the others all said they didn't want any, I just agreed. I didn't want to bother with the arguing about it, but four babies?

I have a sneaky suspicion it's not all just me.

The silence in the room was killing me.

"Who did it?" Namjoon

He finally spoke sitting behind the desk with his hands on his lap.

"What do you mean?" Jin

He was sitting beside me on the sofa and I noticed how his hands were still shaking a little bit. He hasn't stopped since Joy brought in that book Jia had written with all these facts about the reproductive information of vampire/human soulmates.

I haven't read the book yet but I will. It's just currently sitting on the desk in front of Namjoon since he wanted to read more of it.

"You know what I mean. It says that in order for this to happen one of you must of wanted a child when you bit her, but it looks like maybe more than one of you wanted this, so who did it?" Namjoon

No one else said anything. I wanted to admit it but I know I'm not the only one here who thought the same thing. Before all this yeah, I thought it was just me but now with four babies I'm convinced it's not just me, I think personally the other three have a part to blame too.

Maybe if I admit it, maybe they might too. It's not like anything can be done about it now.

I sighed and when I did I felt everyone's eyes on me.

" was me."

I held my hand up, nervously staring down at the carpet under the coffee table.

"W-what?" Jimin

"Taehyung you did this?" Namjoon

He stood up from his chair and I sighed again. I don't want this to turn into some sort of argument so I quietly nod and look up at him from across the room. He didn't seem as mad as I thought he would be, just seemed disappointed.

"Why would you? I thought you didn't want children like the rest of us." Namjoon

"I've always wanted children. Just never thought it would be a possibility and because you all didn't want to children I thought it was best to just go along with it."

Namjoon clenched his jaw and but his inner cheek.

"Did you know this could happen?" Namjoon

I scoff and roll my eyes to then lean back and stretch out my arms along the back of the sofa behind Jin and Jimin on my other side.

"Of course not! I had no idea it was possible. It's not like all this was my fault anyway."

I noticed how Jin tensed his arms that rested by his elbows on his knees and I swear I heard Hoseok practically choke on air from the fire place.

"What is that suppose to mean?" Namjoon

He cocks an brow up and raised his chin slightly.

"It's exactly as it sounds. I believe I'm responsible for only ONE child inside her, the others I believe are fathered by the others."

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