Chapter 67 🌹

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Why now do I have to start having contractions?

I need to get out of here and now is not the time to be giving birth just when myself and my babies are in danger. So far there has been no luck in finding a way out this place for the past two days and it sucks so bad but the contractions are not so bad right now.

Jin told me when my water breaks that's when I'd be more closer to giving birth and right now it's only contraction every 20 minutes. It's not so bad and I use the old clock just outside the cell to use to count the minutes and right now I'm not in danger of giving birth just yet but I'm close to it because the contractions last longer each time.

I practically hold my breath from the cramping but to my luck no one has been down here today but I can't be too loud about it. If only I had something to pick the lock on the cell door but I can't there's nothing here I could use and there's no gaps of holes in the walls, if only I had been so lucky but even if I did find one I doubt I could even fit through it with my large belly.

A contraction was currently beginning to ease off and I rub my belly under my shirt to help sooth it as I sat slumped against the bars after watching the old clock tick away.

Negative thoughts come to mind, thoughts of the fact we'll die in here and never will I see my soulmates again, my children will never get to see their dads and the light of day. I've failed as a mother to protect them even before they are born, there's nothing I can do. As soon as my so called mother, finds out of this she's going to kill me and my babies. I don't want that to happen but how the hell am I suppose to get out of here?

A loud bang with the ceiling above me shook, causing dust to fall over my cell. I coughed and covered my face, now listening to the loud shouts of men and even some women scream in agonising pain if I'm not mistaken. the last time I heard a woman scream like that was when Namjoon killed Hyeons mate. She screamed so loud I don't think I could ever forget a scream like that.

Another shake of the ceiling and crash of glass shattered and more screams I protectively wrapped my hands around my bump but flinched in fright when the opening to this old dusty basement opened up and the fast pace heels of my mother came towards my cell.

I curse myself and force myself to stand up before she could get to me just in time for her to slam open my door and grab my upper arm, digging her nails in to my skin.

"Let's go!" Mother

He yanked me by the arm out the cell and down the small narrow corridor of this dark basement. I stumbled on my own feet and prayed I don't get an unexpected contraction. I have no idea what's going on but I'm not going to ask as all I could think about was this could be my chance to escape some how.

I tried to pull away from her grip but she only tightened it until her nails were literally cutting into my flesh to draw blood. I groaned in pain from my arm and I heard her curse when she quickly looked back at my arm and pushed me in front of her.

"Fuck they'll smell it." Mother

I heard heer curse under her breath.

Who will smell it?

My soulmates?

Because if it's them then it's perfect timing.

I stopped in my tracks and looked up at the ceiling.


I was cut off with a harsh push to only collide into the door. Lucky for me I was quick to turn to my side before falling straight on, that would of been way worse, but it's still not good either way.

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