Chapter 17 🌹

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~??? POV~

Usually I have my men watching these vampires but for the past week they've been coming back to me reporting that they have a fascination with a teenage girl. From my reports, she is here with her class from her school. I didn't want to believe it since that's something I know those seven vampires would never do, it's not like them at all.

But now watching from a far in their own, garden they're too into her to even notice that I'm here. They've always caught me when I've been close but no, not this time. I can roam freely in the far end of the garden, not too far away from the pond that they're all currently at. The problem is I don't actually know which girl right now since their is two girls with them. Another shock since all they use girls for is either sex or feeding. They should of just stuck to my way inside of hiding it, they can't hide who they truly are. Yes they show their strength and ruthless demeaners but they can never hide their true thirst for blood while I on the other hand embrace it, just as they should.

The two girls look delicious though, they could be grooming them before they feed but that would be a new technique for them too. The girl with the long brown hair catches my eye the most though, I bet she would taste really good. They're both equally delicious but I want her the most and I will get her if they don't kill her first.

The two girls run and jump into the water hand in hand and begin to splash one another while the kings watch over them laughing. I hate calling them kings, they're no kings of mine. They can't even rule our people in the way we should live. They want us to hide away in the dark, keep out of trouble and limit our blood supply and not drink directly from humans. That's all a bunch of bullshit since I know first hand that they drink from humans as much as they like and they have the nerve to tell us how it is. No, not if I can get away with it.

I continued to watch on at the group. This has caught my attention a lot and my men were right. They do focus a lot on a girl and it's the very same girl that I have my eyes on. Taehyung runs and jumps in the pond, splashing the two laughing girls while Hoseok and Namjoon just slip into the water slowly.

The black hair girl splashed Taehyung as he surfaced and he splashed back. The brown hair girl swam to the edge, slowly with just the top of her head at the surface, her mouth in the water. The other four were too busy talking to notice her coming close. She's a sneaky one and I like it.

She jumped up in the water, spraying water at the four vampires. They were shocked of course from the cold water. Jin wiped his face with his hands while Yoongi and Jimin burst out laughing. Jungkook on the other hand stormed over with a grin and she simply stared back at him with a smile. I didn't get why she was not trying to run away, was she not scared?

"I'm so going to get you back little mate!" Jungkook

He jumped into the water and grabbed her, while she laughed trying to squirm away.

So that's why she's not scared or why they're so engrossed in this girl. She's their mate, at last they've finally find her and now they have a weak spot. A mate to a vampire is a very special thing that you only get once in a life time. She's human I don't have to be told that, her heart beat was more than enough proof of that. I could kill her but you know what would be worse for a vampire than a dead mate, is a rejected mate.

No vampire, even myself would be able to take the rejection. We have little souls in our bodies so, for your soulmate to say they don't want you is a devastating blow and wipes out what little soul you have left. Maybe that's what I would need for them to change our law to the way it's suppose to be and I can bet she doesn't know about their behaviour with their feeding. I'll have to think of a way, to show her they're not as great as she thinks they are and she must think a lot about them if she's sucking face with Jungkook.

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