Chapter 40 🌹

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Today was a beautiful day.

I wanted to spend the day in the garden, you know with my thoughts but of course I'm not alone.

Namjoon accompanied me in the garden. He's not been exactly right next to me but he's been at least a few feet away from me at all times.

Joy couldn't come with me today since she had to go back to school with the kings men watching her from a distance. I get to go back to school next week, well hopefully. I want to but with these guys you never know but one thing for sure is I will graduate in a few months time, wether they like it or not. Even if it means one of them comes with me or something.

Gazing at the beautiful flowers and all this school stuff running through my mind, and along with other things, I've come to realise it's a stressful time, not only for me but for my soulmates too. If that was not obvious before.

"Y/n? Could I ask you something of you?" Namjoon

It was the first time he's spoken to me since he walked outside but I turn around to face him as I'm sitting on the green grass with him standing not too far away from me.

"Yes, anything."

And I meant it. I would do anything they ask, but not if I thought it would cause harm to my child. We're still unsure about the outcome of my whole pregnancy but tomorrow Jin said he'll do my first appointment for my pregnancy and what not. I'm nervous but I'm excited at the same time for it.

"Could you accompany me to my office tonight? There's something we need to discuss.....with you." Namjoon

I couldn't read his expression on his face but I became worried about what it could be. I had a feeling it was about be being pregnant again since I do remember they didn't want any children. I'm just waiting for someone to bring that up again but it's been a week now and I still haven't spoken to anyone but Namjoon, Taehyung and Jin.

I've seen Jimin almost every day in passing but he refuses to speak to me and I've seen Hobi twice but he ignored me too. I don't know what hurts more not seeing them at all or being ignored.

"When you say 'we', does that mean everyone will be there?"

He shifted on his two feet and looked down to the grass.

"Hopefully, yes. So what do you say?" Namjoon

He looked back up at me and I sighed. He wouldn't of asked if it wasn't important so I don't see the harm.

"Okay. What time?"

"Oh, about 7 in the evening? I'll come escort to my office at that time." Namjoon

I nod at him and turned back around to the beautiful red and yellow flowers.

"Okay, thanks."

He hums and says nothing more and I go back to admire the beauty in this garden. During this time it may be stressful but the flowers are like a colour to cheer up the mood around this place and it certainly cheers me up a little bit.

With the feeling of Namjoons eyes on me, I ignore him and stroked a small petal of a yellow flower with the tip of my finger. I was so careful to not crush it in anyway with how delicate it was.

I screamed in fright when someone wrapped their arms around my waist and their legs stretched out on each side of me.

"Shh, it's only me princess."

I relaxed more to the sound of Taehyungs deep voice in my ear. I would say out of all of them he's the one I spent more time with. Sure Jin and Namjoon talk to me and spend time with me but Taehyung is always there and I appreciated that so much.

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