Chapter 47 🌹

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This morning I decided to take a walk through the garden again and to this beautiful little pond that's here.

I'm more free to walk around the castle grounds now and within the castle since butler Choi informed me that all their staff had been interrogated and they're all still loyal compared to that one maid, Sara. They've even had more guards around the area of the castle as well.

So I'm taking advantage and take this walk to the pond. I have nothing else to do, my soulmates are busy with Kai and Joy was gone off to school. I would want to read more of that book that joy brought in yesterday. I'd like to know more to this whole situation if there's more to it.

Now at the pond I sit down at the edge and take off my shoes and socks to tip my feet in it. I was feeling a little hot today but I couldn't tell if it was due to the weather or because I'm pregnant with four vampire babies.

That's a lot to take in but to also find out that secretly four of them wanted this and the unknowingly for me pregnant is another shock for one day.

It makes me think, so the other three also want children too?
After they told me they didn't, I was so certain that I was destined to not have children of my own but now four!
Four by four different people!

I'm not stupid to not know that this could cause problems. I know this could be a complicated pregnancy but I'm willing to go through it. I'll most likely show soon too, if I'm carrying four at one time. Jin says I'm nine weeks so maybe a couple more then I'll show just a little, I think.

I'm not too sure, it is my first pregnancy after all and for all I know, if this doesn't work out, then it could be my last. I hope not but you never know what's around the corner.

I never knew walking into this castle a couple months ago would completely change everything about my life.

My life went from simple and normal to crazy and super unpredictable.

It's just I wish my mom and dad were here with me. Clearly my mom knew I was pregnant and if she knew my dad would of known too but said nothing about it. Maybe they wanted me to find out myself or something? I don't know but I miss them all the time. If it's okay I'd actually like to do something special in this garden to honour their memory.

My mom use to tell me a story of how she met my dad and how he asked her to marry him. It all happened in this very garden.

When I was younger she never told me what garden, just that it was in a garden but now that I know it was this very same garden I'd like to do something special for them. My dad proposed to my mom in the very same place they met and she said it just so happened by a fountain on the grounds. I've never seen a fountain here so I have to clue where it is.


I gasped at the mention of my name and flinched back to throw a hand over my heart.


"Oh my god! Hoseok! You scared me!"

"Sorry. You just seemed in a world of you own." Hoseok

He chuckled at me and took a seat next to me and handed me a towel. I frowned at him and his smiled widen. It surprised me he was smiling now. The last time I seen him smile was the day before I found his basement.

"I saw you walk through here and thought you would need this. It turns out I was right." Hoseok

He pointed at my feet in the cool pond water that seemed to do the trick in cooling me off.

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