Chapter 66 🌹

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It's been two days!

Two days since y/n has been missing and I can't help but feel guilty for it. If I hadn't gone out with somi, maybe she wouldn't of gone outside to the garden with Kai. I would of insisted she stay inside and I would of picked some flowers for her if that's what she wanted.

She would of listened to me if I told her no, she wouldn't of listened to Kai if he protested but all of us know he didn't. As far as he was aware he would of been able to protect her in the garden but according to the vampires he was injected with this weird stuff that I don't even know what it was. I wasn't paying attention when I was told.

Somi didn't want to leave my side to which I admire her for but she had to for family business because she was doing some digging for the kings about some sort of family crest thingy. Again another thing I wasn't paying too much attention about. Y/n is my best friend, sisters from another mister. I couldn't imagine my life without her and to know that her and her four babies are in danger is just heart breaking news.

I thought I handled it bad but those kings certainly do have a mean streak in them, they've lived up to their name alright in y/n's absence. They've showed no mercy to their people when he comes to gaining what little information they can on this crest and Hyeon in hopes it could lead them to y/n but he's the only one that could lead everyone to her.

In my deep thoughts there's something else nibbling away at me, something that tells me Hyeon is not alone, maybe her birth mother to be exact. Y/n did say she saw her at the ball and I believe her, why on earth would y/n want to ever see that woman again. She's told me all about her and everything that y/n had to go through at the hands of her own mother.

It's disgusting what happened to y/n and I fear that right now somewhere u/n could be going through it all again but this time heavily pregnant with four babies.

I've been sitting in this baby room I designed with the thanks of Taehyung and Namjoons permission. It was planned to show y/n and surprise her with this room that she hadn't seen yet. She knew of it of course but didn't get the chance to show her.

None of the guys have stepped foot in this room, they can't even bare to look at the room or even stay around little bobby when Irene is around with him. It's not because of him exactly, they're just insanely worried about not just y/n but about the babies.

They can feel through their bond that y/n is still alive but they have no clue if the babies are, if something has happened to the point y/n had some sort of miscarriage with them. No one knows and it pains everyone with that fact of not knowing.

I rock back and forth in the nursing chair that I got for y/n, it's rocks back and forth quite smoothly and it's very comfortable to sit in. I stare blankly at at the four beds in the centre of the room, originally I would of preferred to know the babies genders but all eight of them didn't want to know. So I stuck to neutral colours, mostly green and yellow, I don't think I did a bad job if I do say so myself but I would of liked it better if y/n was here to see all of it and her babies. It is for them after all, those kids would of been spoilt rotten with all their dads. I mean seriously, the way those babies are talked about all ready and the way those vampires light up when y/n would tell them one or two or even all babies were basically fighting and kicking inside of her brought such joy on their faces. They even battled it out once with rock, paper, scissors to who gets to feel the bump first, such children at heart those men are but that's not what I would call them right now. I would call them beasts in sheep clothing. All friendly and gorgeous on the outside but devils on the inside.

I just hope to god y/n is okay, that all I can do. The castle is quiet most of the time now, it's not the same without her and the vampires are always out looking for her and when they are home someone is smashing something or shouting as they fight with one another. I just stay out of it as they lose their minds.

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