Chapter 36 🌹

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"Is it okay to come in?" Jin

Of course it is, he doesn't even have to ask.

I nodded at him shyly and he awkwardly took a few more steps further into the room until he was just one step away from my bed. I grew nervous and squeezed on joys hand, just to double check with myself that she's here with me.

"How are you feeling y/n?" Jin

He was so softly spoken, I wanted to melt and stare back in awe of his beauty. But joy nudged me when I didn't respond so I quickly snapped out of it.

"Oh, er, I'm okay. A lot better than I was, thank you. W-what about all of you? How have you all been?"

I noticed how he but his lower lip and his eyes moved around the room.

"Could be better to be honest, but other than that we've been okay." Jin

I nodded and smiled at him. He looked so nervous it was cute. Joy was right, they must be nervous. Jin is usually has confidence when he speaks to me but now it's a completely different side to him.

His eyes continued to search around the room until I noticed how his sights landed on mine and joys hands on my lap. He licked his lips and his nostrils flared before looking at me straight in the eyes.

"Y/n, we need to talk about something. Do yo-" Jin

"Oh! Y/n, you're awake." Namjoon

He popped up slowly from behind Jin and walks in just as slowly as Jin did before. They stood side by side until I could now hear several more steps behind them come into the room and closing the door behind them. It's the remaining five vampires so now that would mean that all seven of them have just entered the room now.

Last time we were all in a room together it didn't go so well, but hopefully things are different this time and I'll hold my tongue.


That's all I could bring myself to say to Namjoon and he passed me a little smile, not a one that would show off his dimples but it was a start.

"Hi y/n. You're feeling better right?" Namjoon

I nodded.

"Yes, I am thanks you. But really you didn't actually have to do anything for me, it's okay."

He deeply frowned at my words and Jin copied his reaction but with his hands behind his back now. Namjoon sighed and opened his mouth to speak but Taehyung pushed passed him and stood in front of him, now much closer to me than before.

"Of course we had too! You're still our soulmate after all. Even after...." Tae

He stopped himself and stared down at the floor with the most saddest eyes I've ever seen, well except for the day I rejected all of them. Jin places a hand on Tae shoulder and pats it gently but Tae doesn't move.

"I know and I'm sorry about that, About everything. Really, I er, I regret rejecting you, all of you."

At my words I immediately look down feeling so small and nervous as well as a little embarrassment there too. I couldn't look at any of them to see their reactions.

Nobody said anything more but joy squeezed once on our joined hands and I squeezed back.

"I'm sorry."

I whispered to break some sort of silence that became awkward, well for me at least.

"Don't be. It's okay." Namjoon

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