Chapter 64🌹

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The air outside the castle was still yet too quiet for my liking, not its usual bright shiny self with a cheery attitude as you look at the flowers. It was strange, it worries me but I slightly pushed it aside. All I wanted to do was get back in that castle and straight to Y/n.

Unfortunately we all had to leave due to speaking to someone that has come up with more ideas in the blood trade because of a sudden drop in animal supply so hunting animals for now would have to stop until further notice. It's not good news for our people but it has to be done to ensure our survival.

My brothers and I all burst through the double main doors to the castle, expecting the aura in this place to be completely different than the one outside but I was very wrong, we all were.

Our smiles dropped as soon as we felt it, all the negative energy and dullness in this place was almost suffocating. It reminds me of that one time when Y/n left us months ago.

Come to that thought panic rose up quickly within myself and before I could speed up the stairs with Taehyung, somi appeared out of nowhere with joy clinging to her back.

"You guys are not going to like what's happened." Somi

I stop in my tracks and turn dangerously slow to face the woman as she lets joy who was a crying mess slide off her back.

"Where's Y/n?!" Namjoon

He took one step towards somi who backed Joy up against the wall arms stretched out protectively in front of her.

"Watch it. You may be my king but watch how act around my mate, your highness." Somi

She spat at Namjoon with a bow of the head and I could sense every bit of him trying to keep his cool to get his answer.

"What's going on here?" Jin

"Y/n was taken." Somi

Joy let out a loud cry as if she was in pain and sobbed into her hands covering her face. Somi wuickly turned around and embraced the crying human where as I ran straight to her room with Taehyung and Jimin.

I ran as fast as I could almost colliding into a few walls and statues on the way there. Jimin ran right into a wall as we cut around a corner knocking off a painting int he process but didn't stop to pick it up.

Taehyung kicked open the door to her room but it was empty. I checked the bathroom and Jimin checked the wardrobe in case she was hiding but no luck.


He kicked the bedroom door right off the hinges and left the room. I ran my hands frustrated through my hair, turning in every direction scanning the whole room in case I've missed something but there's not much else to look at in this room.

Taehyung stood there blankly staring at her bed, clenching and unclenching his fists, digging his nails into his palms drawing blood. I know of his temper, it the worse out of all of us, even Jungkooks he's just better at hiding it, only Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok don't know if this.

He's about to explode and right now if he did, I would let him, I don't give a rats ass if the others found out. I don't think they'd even care either.

There was a sudden panicked whisper from Hoseok from the other side of the castle.

"She's not in irenes room!" Hoseok

"Not outside either!" Jimin

My anger raged within myself and I ran out the room and punched the nearest stone headed statue that means nothing it's just always been there for decoration. It's head exploding into little pieces as soon as my fist connects to the stone.

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