Chapter 38 🌹

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Last night after being force fed by Joy and the last of the blood transfusion, I felt so much better. Better than I had felt in a long time and I couldn't help the relief I had felt.

We had a long lie in this morning but I couldn't keep down that food I had eaten last night and I threw it all up this morning.

Namjoon told us before he left yesterday and it would be okay for me to speak to Kai today but only if Kai is to stay behind the cell doors and to not be alone, so one of them would be with me during that time but i also want to take Joy with me too. She's like my rock and I don't know where I would be with out her during this time.

Of course I had to wait to be escorted around the castle now, simply because Sara, hyeons soulmate was a maid here at the castle so until they finish interrogating every person that works here, myself and joy are not to walk around alone apparently.

I was dressed and ready for the past hour, sitting on my bed just thinking about basically everything that has gone on so far and it's far from finished. If anything I think it's only just began.

"Joy! Hurry up! I need a pee!"

I shouted at her, she's in the bathroom taking a quick shower, meaning an hour long shower.

"In a minute!! Hold on! Jeez woman!" Joy

I rolled my eyes at her and continued to wait, but in all honesty I was bursting for the toilet.

The moment I heard that bathroom door click, I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom, not even bothering to close the door as a fully clothed Joy stood there in shock.

"You're lucky I've seen you pee before or I would of slapped you one by now." Joy

I didn't care in the least, I really needed to go and it was so good to finally relieve myself.

There was a knock on the door and joys immediately lit up like a light and skipped away, now leaving me to finish my business.

"Oh hi Taehyung, Jin! She's just peeing at the moment!" Joy

"Joy!! Could you not shout that out?!"

I didn't want to be embarrassed is bad enough the bathroom door was left open but luckily though the door is on the other side of the room, far away from where I am, but that's not the point, they could hear me peeing.

Hearing both of them chuckle at the situation caused he butterflies in my stomach to appear again. Maybe they're in a better mood than before?

After finishing my business, I walked out the bathroom and all three of them were waiting for me.

"Come on, you slow snail!" Joy

I scoff at her when she skips over to me and links our arms together.

"You just spent an hour in the bathroom!"

She laughs at me and pulls me alone to the door where Tae and Jin were waiting, quietly just watching the two of us bicker.


I greeted them both and it shocked me that they were all smiles today. Which made me feel so much more comfortable, I was worried that they would still be a little off but luckily that's not the case. Out of all of them I would say the three that stayed with me last night are pretty much okay with me being pregnant right now but I haven't seen or heard from any of the others since.

They might come around eventually, I don't know, I can only hope.

Taehyung surprised me when he held out his hand for me to take with my free hand.

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