Chapter 21 🌹

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There were no words to describe how nervous I was did what was to come where as Joy when I told her what Jin has asked, she simply told me in to so many words but to get in there and made me wear some lacy black underwear which I didn't even take.

They were hers but she recently bought them and haven't worn them yet and luckily we're the same size. It's very nicely fitted I have to say and makes my boobs pop and the thong shapes nicely alround my butt cheeks but that not the worry right now. It's what is going to happen as soon as I reach those doors when butler Choi finally stops at whatever door is jins.

It's on the other sid rod the castle, a place I haven't been yet. Maybe that's why Yoongi wanted me to have a room somewhere else in the castle, so we can stay close. But I'm fine with the room I've got until I change my mind later and maybe depending on how things go, you never know I might just change my mind and move rooms and that room could be joys for when she comes to stay.

I'm so deep in thought I end up banging into the back of butler Choi's back but he says nothing about it and stands still in front of a massive dark brown wooden door. It looked old yet solid, like it would take a lot to break that down.

Butler Choi holds up a hand to knock on the door but the door opens quickly, beating him to it.

"Thank you Butler Choi, we'll take it from here."

I couldn't help but admire Taehyungs sweet smile at butler Choi who simply bows and walks away quietly down the hall. After I watched butler Choi disappear around the corner I turned back to look at Taehyung who was eyeing me up and down, biting his lip. Oh god no.

He grabs my hand and pulls me in to find all of them are here, spaced out within the nicely yet, old fashioned decorated room.

Jin stood up from the bed and strode his way over to me, while Yoongi was sat on the window sill, Jungkook on a chair in the corner of the room. Namjoon was standing next to the door and Jimin and Hoseok were sitting on the bed. Jins bed and just looking at it made me nervous.

Taehyung closed the door behind us and stood very close behind me, so close that his chest was almost pressed against my back while Jin took my hand but didn't pull me to him, he just stood so close to me, looking down into my eyes. There was no space between and that's when Taehyung closed the gap between us, I was now sandwiches between the two vampires.

Jin tucked some of my hair behind my ear while Taehyung leaned on the other side of my neck, sniffing my scent and humming.

"I'm so glad you could join us Y/n. You know what we would of done if you didn't come?" Jin


My voice only coming out as a whisper, still gazing up into his eyes that were shining red. HIs face leaned in closer to were I could feel his breath on my lips.

"We would of came to you." Jin

Then he slowly leaned in, attaching our lips together. This was my first time kissing Jin and I have to say, his lips were soft and cushioned mine well. I melted into him, wrapping my arms around his shoulders just for him to smirk into the kiss and Taehyung to move back so Jin could pick me up and walk me to the bed, placing me down gently with him hoovering above me. His lips were a great distraction for what was to come and I didn't care one bit. All those nerves I had wiped away as soon as Jin kissed me.

I know what they were all planning with me but I also know they wouldn't force me but Jins lips were enough to convince me that they could do anything to me tonight and I wouldn't have any bother about it. I just wanted him, all of them.

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