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Jungkooks pov

"And then she said I wasn't even listening to her!! Like! I literally responded to her yelling at me!!" I nod as jimin sits on my bed ranting about an argument he had with Irene, his hot girlfriend...

They've been together for two years now...and the day jimin told me they were together....was the day I was going to confess to him...
And yet....my feelings still haven't gone away...

I look down. Jimin chuckles "am I boring you kook?" I shake my head "no! I'm sorry...I was just....just taking in what you were saying..." He sighs "sometimes I just really wanna break up with her..." I tilt my head and look at him "then why don't you? Why stay in a relationship if you're not happy?"

He sighs "I...I don't know...I guess I've always thought if I leave her... I'd be alone"
I roll my eyes and stand up "you litterally have both boys and girls hanging off your arms constantly...I don't think you'd be alone....plus you have me! We're friends right?"

He nods "I guess so! I'll always have my little bunny with me!" He grabs my waist and pulls me to him. I blush a little and then slap his hands "what did I say about touching my waist?" He Huff's "but I thought you loved me??" He leans his chin on my stomach looking up at me.

Of course I fucking love you, I have for 5 fucking years!!
I push him away "no, you're annoying hyung" he pouts "but kooookie!!" I giggle and he does grabby hands towards me. I then gasp when Irene walks in.
Yoongi runs up to us panting "sorry, she barged in!"

I look at her, she completely ignores me and turns to jimin "baby! I was worried! You didn't answer my messages!" Jimin sighs "sorry...my phone was on charge...Kookie can you get it for m-"

I look at her "with me?...fuck no...he's my friend" jimin scoffs "no me and jungkook would never work like that"
My heart shatters. I bite my lip and then hand jimin his phone "you two should go..." Jimin tilts his head "what?" I nod "please go..." Irene grabs jimins hand "come on baby!" She then pulls him out the room and I hear jimin yell "ILL MESSAGE LATER JUNGKOOK!!"

I then hear the door shut. I sit down on my bed and look down at my hands.
Yoongi walks to me "kid-" I shake my head "I'm fine..." I stand up and force a smile "are the rest of the hyungs awake now?" ((All of my friends were over and jimin pulled me away from the group to talk to me))

Yoongi nods "yeah...but-" I nod then walk out the room. I hear yoongi sigh "god damn child..."
I sigh and walk to the lounge where jin, IN, huening Kai, yeonjun, Taehyun, and beomgyu were all sat up on the couch watching the TV.

Beomgyu looks at me "you alright?" I nod "I'm fine...why?" IN sighs "Kookie...we heard what jimin said" I bite my lip and look down "he's right though...we wouldn't work like that... we're friends....best friends....and that is how it should stay...I might go do some painting..."

Jin Huff's "just try and ignore the feelings jungkook, I know it hurts but he's got a girlfriend...and it doesn't look like they're breaking up any time soon" I roll my eyes "I know that hyung! But he deserves a better relationship!! She accuses him of cheating! Of so much shit! He deserves better!...maybe not me...but he deserves better... and he needs to know that.." I walk back into my bedroom and close the door.

I get a blank canvas and set it up and then grab my paints. I sit down on a stool in front of the canvas and start to sketch out something to paint. I start to put the pain on my paint palate, I gasp "I need water" I stand up and grab a small glass that I use for pain water and go to my bathroom but stop by my bedroom door when I hear talking outside.

I decide to ignore it and go to my bathroom and fill the cup and walk back.i put the cup down and roll my my sleeves, I then grab my phone and put some music on. I smile and start to sing along to it

"Not ready I get it
Don't want complications.
You gotta focus on yourself
You cancel no worries, it's all good No hurry. Your heart belongs to someone else
You know I'm always here to keep you company, company
But I can't help but feel it's not enough for me

Maybe I don't wanna be just Friends
See you only on the weekends
Sorry hope you understand
I like you a little too much for that

Maybe I don't wanna be just Friends Always hearing bout your ex Sorry there's no going back
I like you a little too much for that Maybe I don't wanna be

If I'm such a nice guy and you had a great time
Why don't we kick it up a notch? How about you come over
Move in to me closer and let my hands give it a shot

You know I'm always here to keep you company, company
But I can't help but feel it's not enough for me
Maybe I don't wanna be just friends
See you only on the weekends

Sorry hope you understand
I like you a little too much for that
Maybe I don't wanna be just Friends
Always hearing 'bout your ex Sorry there's no going back I like you a little too much for that

Maybe I don't wanna be Just friends, just friends, just friends
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't wanna be Just friends, just friends, just friends Maybe I don't, maybe I don't wanna be

Not ready I get it, don't want complications I just gotta say it
Maybe I don't, maybe I don't, maybe I don't want to be Just friends

See you only on the weekends Sorry hope you understand
I like you a little too much for that
Maybe I don't wanna be just friends

Always hearing 'bout your ex
Sorry there's no going back
I like you a little too much for that

Maybe I don't wanna be Just friends, just friends, just friends Maybe I don't,
maybe I don't wanna be Just friends, just friends, just friends Maybe I don't,
maybe I don't wanna be"

I smile and look at the painting I've done

I smile and look at the painting I've done

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I sigh....these feelings need to disappear soon...before I make a fool out of myself....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now