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Jimins pov

"Wait....he's already gone?!" I stand looking at jin-hyung who nods "yes...he left this morning....you fucked up jimin....now fuck off and go to your girlfriend...."
He slams the door in my face.

I sigh and look down at the friendship necklace I was holding.....
He's actually gone....I just hope he comes back....

I sigh and walk back to my house and walk in, my mum looks at me "jimin what's wrong love?"
I tear up and hug her tightly "I've ruined everything eomma! He's gone! Jungkook might never come home!"

She rubs my back "oh jimin....I'm sure he'll come back.... you're best Friends...you both always go back to one another" I shake my head "not this time..... I've really fucked up.....he hates me"

My father walks in "I'm sure he doesn't hate you son....but if you hurt him...then he'll need time to recover....you two are closer than ever..... he'll come back one day jimin....he's got a kind heart.... you'll never find a boy like him again"
I hug my mum tighter and cry. She rubs my back and sighs "it's alright son... he'll come back"

((timeskip, cause I'm a bad author))

One year later

Jungkooks pov

I laugh saying goodbye to my eomma.
I have stayed in Busan for a year with my eomma and I did online school. I didn't keep contact with any of my friends but today my eomma is sending me back.

I get on the plane and pull my phone out and my eyes widen when I see I have over 1000 notifications from jimin.
I roll my eyes and ignore them and then as the plane takes off I message soobin
Hey soobin, I know we
Haven't spoken in a
Year....but I was wondering
If you could come pick me up
From the airport?
I'm coming home

You're coming home?! We've
All missed you so much! Me
And the art club will be there as
Soon as your plane lands!!

Thank you soobin!
I'll look forward to seeing
You all again!
It'll land in about 3-4 hours?

We'll be there! See you kook!


See you!


Well I'm glad that's sorted out.....i wonder how jimins is....
I put my phone in my pocket and then pull out the friendship necklace and stare at it.

Was it the right decision to leave??....
I look out the small window and sigh.

I giggle hearing two kids laughing, a girl smiles "me and you are gonna be friends forever!" I look over at them and a boy next to her nods "and one day we'll get married!" The girl nods "yeah! Look take this" she hands the boy a homeade bracelet. The boy puts it on "our friendship bracelet!"

The girl nods "best friends forever!" She hugs the boy who hugs back.
My smile fades.


I giggle and gasp when my best friend jimin pulls me into our treehouse, we both sit with our legs dangling out. Jimin looks at me "Kookie? I want you to have this" he hands me a necklace, I look at it "have you got the other half jiminie?" He nods "yeah, no matter what we'll always be friends....even if one of us gets locked up...or if one of us gets a girlfriend... we'll always be best friends...best friends before girlfriends!"
I smile and nod and jiminie puts the necklace on, he smiles "one day Kookie....we might even get married!" I giggle "jiminie you don't like boys..." He shakes his head "but maybe one day Kookie....when we get bigger"

I laugh a little "you're a shortie jiminie....if you get taller than me then I'll marry you!" He giggles and nods "if I get taller than you then we'll get married!! No girlfriends! Best friends forever!.....I love you kookie"
I smile and lean my head on his shoulder "I love you too hyung..."

****End of flashback****

Tears roll down my cheeks....the lies I believed as a kid....we were gonna get married? Yeah....in my dreams....he never loved me....he doesn't love me....who would?.
The plane finally lands and I get off the plane. I see soobin waiting at the gates.
More tears roll down my cheeks and I run and hug him tightly, he hugs back and rubs my back "Kookie.... you're home" I cry and nod.

I gasp when suddenly I am tackled by someone. I groan and look up to see taehyung pinning me down. I smile "hello Tae"
He has tears rolling down his face "you- you bitch jungkook!"
I gasp and tilt my head "what?" He stands up also helping me up "nobody has been the same since you left.... jimins turned into even more of an asshole....Irene is controlling him!...we missed you so much"

I look around to see all the art club and football team ((apart from jimin)) all stood looking at me. I wipe my tears and smile "it's lovely to see you all again....I've missed you all" they all hug me tightly. I giggle.
Baekhyun Huffs "we're so happy you're home..."

They all step back. I nod "I'm happy I'm home....I should be back in school tomorrow.... it'll be like normal....well.... except for jimin..." I look down. Hoseok smiles "let's go back to your house jungkook and we'll have a movie night to welcome you home!" I nod again "okay.."

We all walk out to the cars and all get in, Jin drives the car I'm in, namjoon in the front seat, me in the middle with yoongi and taehyung either side of me.

We all drive to my old house and all climb out. I pull my key out and open the door and smile.
I walk inside and put my bag down.
I close the door once everyone walks in.

I yawn a little "you guys pick a movie.... everything should still work....I paid for it while I was away... I'm gonna go change" they all nod.
I bring my bag to my room and pack the things away and then change into

 I bring my bag to my room and pack the things away and then change into

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I walk out and sit on the couch next to Huening Kai and changbin.
I lean my head on Huening Kai's shoulder.
They pick a anime to watch which is death note and we begin watching it.

I yawn a little half way through and close my eyes.

It's nice being home.....I'm just worried for when I eventually see jimin...I know I'll end up seeing him....but I'm scared....

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