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Jungkooks pov

I yawn and walk to the canteen and buy some food. I huff and look at the places left to sit.
There is a space on the table with all the nerds...and by that I mean the ones who do their homework before it's even set.

And then there's a free chair with the cheerleaders... definitely not.
I huff and walk over to the footballers table, Minho looks at me "jungkook! We haven't seen you in the canteen for ages!" They all look at me...I'm so glad jimin isn't here.

I nod "normally I get distracted by art...I don't normally get lunch-",
Taehyung cuts me off "sit down with us! We all need to catch up with you...you always hang out with jimin and not us" I roll my eyes "if listening to jimin rant about his bitchy girlfriend is hanging out then yeah I guess" I take a seat next to taehyung and Hoseok.

Chen looks at me "where's all your group?" I look at him "they all have class..." Felix giggles "well you're always welcome at our table when they have class...however we do bitch and whine about Irene here so don't tell jimin" I giggle "I won't...trust me I probably bitch about her more"

We all laugh. I gasp "tae you have mochi?" I look at taehyung who was about to put the mochi in his mouth. He looks at me "I know what you're gonna do and it won't work" I pout

"Please tae tae?" Suho Huff's "come on tae you can't say no to him" taehyung Huff's "fuck sake" he hands me it and I giggle "thank you!" I take it and smile

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"Please tae tae?"
Suho Huff's "come on tae you can't say no to him" taehyung Huff's "fuck sake" he hands me it and I giggle "thank you!" I take it and smile

Jackson chuckles "you have everyone wrapped around your finger" I nod "all because I pout" we all laugh and start to talk about one another and random funny things

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Jackson chuckles "you have everyone wrapped around your finger" I nod "all because I pout" we all laugh and start to talk about one another and random funny things.
I then huff when I hear Irene and jimin walking over. Everyone else rolls their eyes. I yawn a little and lean against hoseok who smiles.

I gasp when my chair us pulled out from under me. I fall on the floor and then look up to see Irene holding my chair. Han gasps "hey! Jungkook was sat on that!" Irene shrugs "I thought you'd sit on someone's lap....me and Jimin are more popular anyways so we need to sit down" she sits down on the chair. Taehyung moves away from her and so does Hoseok.

I stand up and huff and then look at jimin who looks down. I look at the rest of the football team "it was nice catching up with you guys...I hope we can do it again" Irene tilts her head "you act like you haven't spoken to them in years...it's been a few weeks get over it"

I tilt my head "jimin...give me your phone" jimin tilts his head "what?...why?" I look at him and hold my hand out, he passes me his phone and I unlock it.
Irene gasps "how did you unlock it?!" I look at her "I have a fingerprint on his phone" she looks at jimin "and you said it didn't work!",

Jimin shakes his head "it doesn't!....not anymore", I roll my eyes and click on their messages to one another..
"Hmmmm let's see...aha! Two days ago...it says here that you messaged jimin saying- ew actually that's disgusting...didn't want to know that" I scroll past those messages and then smirk

"From these messages, it seems to me like you can't go five seconds without jimin by your side" I pass the phone back to jimin. I then huff "also!...don't sext one another...that's disgusting... especially since many people either know jimins passcode or have a fingerprint...that was just disgusting to read"

I start to walk away but gasp when someone grabs the back of jimins hoodie I was in. I turn around to see Irene holding the back of the hoodie.
I huff "let go...or I will break your nails" she scoffs "I don't care. Apologize to me" I step back and cross my arms "for what?"

She points to jimin "FOR SLEEPING WITH MY BOYFRIEND!!" Everyone in the canteen was looking at us. I laugh "I never slept with him! We're friends!" She scoffs "fuck off you didn't sleep with him! You're always so close and when you sit next to him you're always basically on his lap!....but you're just a ugly duckling so I don't have to worry about him wondering off with you"

I Rip the hoodie out her grip also breaking one of her nails, she gasps "HOW DARE YOU!" I tear up a little "how dare you accuse me of sleeping with your boyfriend?!!....you know what?! I'm through with both of you!! Both you and jimin can stay the FUCK away from me!! I'm done with being in the middle of all of your arguments...all you want is his money and popularity!!"

She shrugs "so?! If you even had a tiny chance with him you'd want his money as well! And popularity since nobody in this collage even knows who you are!!"
Tears roll down my cheeks "no! You're wrong! Money doesn't fucking buy happiness Irene! Popularity wouldn't make me happy! Don't you DARE assume I want popularity....I'm fine where I am...now...stay the fuck away from me...I'm done with Dealing like your therapist....if you need help with your relationship go somewhere else!"

I look at jimin who sighs "jungkook i-" I shake my head "don't bother.... goodbye jimin" I walk away and out the canteen and straight to the art room.
I see my hyungs all waiting at the art room. Huening Kai gasps "jungkook?" I run to him and hug him, he gasps and hugs back "what's wrong?"

I shake my head "I don't want to talk about it...can we please go home...I can't stand being here anymore" they all nod "of course"
We all walk to our lockers and grab our things, as we start to walk out the collage I hear two boys talking
"Yeah apparently jimin slept with the art club captain...he-"
I walk over to them "oi! Look..he didn't sleep with me...but don't start putting things on jimin...let him be...but if you wanna Believe the bullshit Irene is saying then blame me...leave jimin out of this"

They both nod. I sigh and walk out of the building.
We get home and I close the door and drop my bag on the floor "hyung?" I grab Jins hand "you will never leave me right?" He shakes his head and hugs me "never, you're my little brother....none of us ever will...jimin doesn't deserve to be friends with you..."

Beomgyu smiles "why don't we invite the other footballers over and have a big movie night and bitch about everyone we hate", I giggle and wipe my tears "sounds fun...I'm gonna go get changed" they nod and I walk to my room

I've lost EVERY chance I ever had of being with jimin....
But he said it himself before.....
We would never work like that anyways..

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now