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Jimins pov

I walk to the others "stay with Hana" they nod and yoongi tilts his head "what happening?" I glare at him "I'm about to kill someone that's whats happening" they all step back and I walk out the hospital and growl seeing Irene leaning against a tree on her phone.

I walk up to her and slap the phone out her hand and I grab her wrist pulling her behind the building where there are no cameras, she looks at me "jiminie you finally came to your senses~" she goes to kiss me but I slap her.

Her eyes widen and she holds her cheek "what the fuck is wrong with you jimin?!" I laugh "what the fuck is wrong with me?!? YOU ALMOST KILLED MY BABY!!!!! BOTH OF THEM!! WHAT KIND OF FUCKED UP PERSON DOES THAT!??"

she rolls her eyes "I was getting rid of the problem!! Me, you and Hana should be a family! Not you and that slut!" I growl "don't EVER call him that again!! If anyone is a slut here it's you!!! You go around fucking every man you see! You're fucking disgusting and I hate you!!!"

She grabs my hand "baby you don't mean that" I push her away from me "don't fucking touch me!!! And of course I mean it! You've brought nothing but problems and pain to jungkook and it stops now!! You ever go near jungkook again I'll make sure my face is the last face you see again!!"

She shakes her head "you don't mean this! You love me! You told me so!" I shake my head "no! I didn't! You and your fucked up mind has made that up! And trust me when I say Irene if my baby doesn't make it I will make your life a living hell...you will wish you were dead...."

Her eyes widen "you're threatening me?! I'm calling the police!" I nod "go ahead I'll tell them you've harassed jungkook and you're the one who set the gun up! It's on CCTV you dumb bitch!! There are CCTV in every hospital room!!! And now there is a chance my baby won't make it!!!"

She starts to cry "I just wanted us to be together jimin! I love you!" She falls to her knees and hugs my leg. I kick her away from me "well I don't love you and I never have! So leave me and my family alone!" She cries more "j-jimin you have to love me back! We're meant for one another!"

I shake my head "we were never meant for one another....the only reason I went out with you in the first place is because I felt bad! And because I needed to hide my feelings for jungkook! You are nothing to me Irene and you never will be!!" She grabs the sleeve of my hoodie "one kiss....that's all I ask"

I scoff "kiss my foot" I kick her again so she lets go of me. She cries more "p-please jimin! I'm sorry! That bitch got in the way of us! If he wasn't ever here then we would be happy!! We would be a family!! Don't let that slut get In the way jimin!"

I smirk "you have some guts saying that to me Irene.....I'm holding back ever urge I have to just end you right now because I know jungkook would be scared of me if I killed you....however if you ever come near us again then I will make sure you never see the light of day again"

She stands up and throws herself at me wrapping her arms around my neck and kisses my neck "I'll make you love me jimin!!" I push her off of me so she falls onto the floor and she screams in pain.
I glare at her "DON'T EVER FUCKING TOUCH ME AGAIN!" She sobs "I set the gun up to shoot jungkook and kill him and the baby! He wasn't supposed live!! I'll kill him myself if I have to and this time he won't live!! And neither will the baby!!"

I smile innocently and she is cut off when police sirens can be heard. She looks at me and her eyes widen "n-no" I pull my phone out to show her I had the police on call the whole time.
Her eyes widen and then Police Officers come to the back of the building and pick her up. She looks at me and cries more "JIMIN-SHII!!!!!" I wave to her "bye bye~"

She is put into a police car and is driven away. I walk back into the hospital and jump when I hear taehyung yell "JIMIN! QUICKLY!" I run to them all and they point to the room that Jungkooks in. I hesitate but open the door and my eyes widen and my whole world stops seeing.









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