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Jungkooks pov

I huff sitting backstage watching the others preform without me, the fans sing my parts of the songs.....
It sounds better with them.....

A staff member walks to me "one song left.......want to go back out?" I shake my head "no.....no I'll stay here.....thank you noona" she sighs and walks away.

I start to watch the others again on a screen and smile seeing jimin jumping and dancing around.
Before the last song starts yoongi steps forward and Huff's "I can't take this Anymore....ARMY PLEASE QUIET DOWN!"

Army goes quiet and he steps forward again and sighs "we are happy for all of your support....we really really love you all you all mean everything to us.....but....if you don't love all seven of our members then we....we don't count you as a proper fan.....being a proper fan means Loving each member equally.....yes we know you may have a favourite member but that doesn't mean you can push one member out the group"

Jin steps forward and nods "we all have to remember bts wouldn't be here without jungkook....none of us would be on this stage without him...." Jimin nods "I definitely wouldnt be in BTS if it wasn't for jungkook.....and you shouldn't take everything out on him because if you look at who started the rumour it was my EX WIFE.....she has been ruining mine and Jungkooks life ever since high school"

Taehyung smiles "jungkook is the face of our group....our golden maknae....the one that is good at everything....." Hoseok giggles a little "we don't give enough credit to our maknae.....please don't hate him because of a rumour someone made up.....yes we all know you wanted jikook to have a baby.....and who knows....maybe one day they will....."

My eyes widen. I look at our manager "what are they doing?" He chuckles "don't ask me....they're doing this on their own.....maybe you should go back out on stage" I shake my head "no...." I look back at the screen and smile a little seeing jimin "so jungkook, we know you're listening.....please come on out.....we want to see our maknae for our last song tonight!"

Namjoon chuckles "WHO WANTS TO SEE JUNGKOOK AGAIN?!!!!" The fans cheer loudly and then they all start chanting my name.
I blush a little and hesitate putting my mic on again.

I hesitate but walk to the side of the stage and I make eye contact with jimin who smiles widely "jungkook!!!" I step back and gulp.
I gasp when hoseok runs to me pulling me out to center stage.

I look around and sigh "hi guys" army cheer loudly...............
They're all doing this so they don't make their idols sad or angry.....they actually don't want me on this stage.....I can tell.

I gasp a little seeing someone about to pass out (we had a camera moving around in the audience)
I run to a security guard while the others interact with army a little more. I crouch down and point to the army who is about to pass out but the security guard doesn't get what I'm saying. I see other Fans around the her were panicking and giving her more space, I grab a bottle of water "I'm definitely gonna get scoulded for this..."

I jump off the stage and the security guard along with the band members gasp. I climb over the barrier where the fans are, they all create a path to the fan that looked like they were gonna pass out.
I reach her and pass her some water.

I look at a woman who was stood near her "please make sure she is alright....make sure she drinks the water....please sit down if needed" I then make my way back to the stage.
Fans cheer loudly and the security guard helps me back over the barrier and onto the stage.

I look around "IS EVERYONE OKAY?"the fans cheer, I walk around the stage looking around to see if everyone else looks alright.....
I smile a little and then look at the security guards "keep an eye out and make sure everyone stays hydrated and safe...."
The other members walk to me and smile.

I might not be wanted on this stage but while I'm on this stage I'm going to make sure everyone is alright.....I'm definitely gonna get scoulded for that when I leave this stage but at least she's alright.

We sing one last song and then say goodbye. I don't bow with the others I stay stood on the end of the line clapping for the others.

We then walk off stage and I was correct, my manager starts to scould me about how dangerous that was and how I should have to security....I ignore him and yawn a little.

Jimin walks to me and wraps his arms around me "we still want you in the band Kookie" I smile and lean my head back against his chest "I know.....but the fans don't want me now..... they're pretending because they don't want you guys to be angry or upset with them...." He kisses my head "just ignore them Kookie....as long as we smile and have fun doing what we do then it doesn't matter what they think"

I sigh and then turn burying my head in his chest "I love you jimin.....thank you" he smiles and kisses my head "don't thank me baby.......you don't deserve hate" I giggle when he puts his hands on my stomach "what are you doing?" He smirks "what if I did get you pregnant? You wouldn't get anymore hate"

I cross my arms "park jimin" he chuckles "it was only a suggestion....................a good suggestion but still" I push his hands off my stomach and giggle a little "you have hana....you said you always wanted one child....and that's what you have"

He groans "no that's not what I said....I said I always wanted one child with YOU.......I haven't got that yet" I blush and push him away "oh shush" he laughs and I walk away and change my clothes.

I'm really not wanted by the fans anymore.............
All because of Irene...................

Maybe if jimin did get me pregnant- NO! Jeez what am I thinking......god I shouldn't even consider that!.....................

But I'd stop getting hate......

No,no I can't..........no.....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now