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Jimins pov

I walk back into the room and gasp when I see






Jungkook sat up talking to taehyung smiling

Jungkook sat up talking to taehyung smiling

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My eyes widen. I freeze in my place and stare at him.....is this another dream.
I wince when yoongi punches my arm "ow!", Yoongi smirks "it's not a dream"
My heart melts when jungkook looks at me and smiles "jimin..."

I smile "jungkook...." He looks down "taehyung told me you didn't leave my side for two months?" I nod "well you're my best friend....of course I wouldn't leave you alone..." He giggles "thank you jimin..." I nod again.

Jin pushes me over to him making me gasp.
He looks up at me and smiles "I'm happy to see you again jimin" I hesitate but put my hand on his cheek "you're real....you're actually awake" he nods and nuzzles my hand a little

I smile wide and hug him. He gasps and hugs back. I sigh "you scared me! I thought I lost you!!" I pull away from the hug and look at him. He sighs "I'm sorry jimin....I just....the restaurant" I nod and move some of his hair that was in his face behind his ear "I know....but it's okay now"

He smiles "how is Baekhyun?" I scoff "that asshole?...he showed up out of the blue today saying he wanted to be here when you woke up-" jungkook laughs a little "you blame him don't you?"  I sigh "a little...if he saw the car coming why didn't he push you out the way?...I'm just a little pissed"

Jungkook smiles "still the same jimin" I nod "I haven't changed one bit" I gasp when he grabs my arm and pulls me up onto the bed. I chuckle and sit next to him. He leans his head on my chest and I wrap an arm around him

Yoongi smirks "are you two going out?" We both shake our heads fast "no.... we're friends!" Jungkook nods "plus I'm not sure I'm gonna a go on a date for awhile...." I nod "yeah that's a....great idea....just to be safe" jungkook nods.

Jungkook looks at namjoon "you've continued doing concerts and stuff right?" Namjoon looks down. Jungkook gasps "Kim namjoon, I told you that if anything happened to me I wanted you all to carry on how you were..."

Jin sighs "we're sorry jungkook....you don't realise how much it would kill us all if you died....we were all too sad to write any songs or dance...or anything"
I lean my chin on top of Jungkooks head and sigh "your fans supported you all the way as well....they miss you....many and many of them cried when we told them what happened"

Jungkook pouts "I don't want them to be sad...aha! Give me my phone!" Hoseok hands him his phone and he goes on to Twitter and tweets out.

I get a notification and I check it straight away and giggle a little

I get a notification and I check it straight away and giggle a little

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He then goes on to Instagram and does the same thing

He then goes on to Instagram and does the same thing

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Loads and loads of fans comment and like it. Jungkook puts his phone down and leans his head against my chest again "it's nice to be awake again" I wrap my arms around him "I'm glad my best friend is back"
Hoseok smiles "you two look so cute together" jungkook giggles.

I was gonna confess again....but I don't think this is the right time....and he also said that he would wait awhile until going on another date....maybe I should wait until he's ready....I don't wanna rush him now....
No....I won't tell him until he says he wants to date someone again....

But I'm so happy that this isn't a dream....that he's actually here in my arms....
I'm glad he's okay....and I will protect him from anything or anyone else that wants to hurt him.....
And that's a promise.....

((AN: sorry for the short chapter))

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