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Jungkooks pov

I cry hugging my mum "I'm such an Idiot eomma...."
She rubs my back "what happened baby?",

They don't know I'm gay....I can't tell them.
I cry more not answering her. She kisses my head "calm down baby"

My dad stands up when we hear a knock on the door.
He walks to the door and my breath hitches when he chuckles "park jimin! I haven't seen you in years!"
I hear jimin chuckle "nice to see you again Mr jeon" my dad smiles "please come in with....your daughter?"
Jimin walks inside.
I look down and wipe my tears quickly...

I gasp when Hana suddenly jumps on my lap "jungkook!", I smile "hello Hana...how can I help you today?" She giggles "I bought you cakes!! Me and grandma made them for you!" I gasp when she hands me a small basket with cupcakes in it.

I kiss her head "thank you so much.... you're very talented!" She pouts "my eomma said I need to work more" I shake my head "don't listen to her...you're so talented and beautiful....you can do anything you put your mind to....do you want a gift?"

She gasps and nods "yeah yeah yeah!" I place her on the couch next to me and then walk to the kitchen and grab a necklace for her. I walk back to her not looking at jimin

I crouch down in front of her and put the necklace on her

I crouch down in front of her and put the necklace on her

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She gasps "it's so cute!!", I giggle "just like you...." I poke her nose making her laugh.
I sigh "does your eomma ever give you gifts??"
Hana shakes her head "eomma said I'm not good enough to get gifts....but Appa gives me lots and lots!!"

She hugs me "I wish you were my eomma instead", my eyes widen and I hug back "I'm sure you're okay with your eomma no-"
She shakes her head "no! She doesn't spend time with me! I want nice eomma and Appa"

I feel her tears dampening my shirt. I rub her back and stand up holding her "Hana....look at me" she looks at me with tears rolling down her cheeks.
I smile and wipe her tears "let me show you something...." I look at jimin who looks down.

I sigh and walk to my bedroom. I put Hana on the bed and then pull out a box from under my bed. I hesitate but open it "look inside here...."
She slowly looks inside the box and gasps "you and Appa?" I nod

She picks up something and smiles "is this you and Appa?" She turns so I can see.

She picks up something and smiles "is this you and Appa?" She turns so I can see

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I sigh and nod "yeah....that was one day....me and your appa were playing around and being funny" she giggles and puts the photo down. She pouts "jungkook? Why is there scribbles?" She points to two photos on the top of the pile. I look at them

 I look at them

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She looks at me "who's behind the scribbles?", I pick the photos up "me

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She looks at me "who's behind the scribbles?", I pick the photos up "me...."
She tilts her head "why?",
I sigh "don't worry about it..." I put the photos on my bed and gasp a little when jimin walks in the room "jungkook....can we talk?",

I look at Hana who smiles and stands up and holds the photo out. I shake my head "keep it" she gasps "yay!" She runs out the room.
I stand up and look at jimin who picks up the photos on my bed "why did you scribble yourself out?"

I sigh "because....I haven't spoken to any of them in ages....I guess....the group is better as a six....not seven...."
He shakes his head "we aren't a group without you jungkook!"
I nod "and I'm not happy without you jimin! But sometimes we have to live without some things!! Sometimes people leave....and there's nothing we can do....",

Tears roll down my cheeks "please....just go.....it was all a mistake last night....and I'm so sorry....go back to your wife....your daughter....don't.... please...don't come near me again" he goes to speak but I push him out the room and close the door.

I look at the box on the floor and tear up when I see a photo Jimin had given me for my birthday

I look at the box on the floor and tear up when I see a photo Jimin had given me for my birthday

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I guess everything is over....I have no friends....I just lost my best friend....when my parents find out I'm gay they'll disown me....

What is the point anymore???
Everything's falling apart.........

Jimins pov..

I groan....why didn't i talk about last night!!!! I'm such an Idiot!! And now he won't talk to me again....

Maybe jin-hyung could help....or yoongi?....I dunno....I'll just get them all....
I want the old jungkook back....

Everything can't fall apart....I won't let it...

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now