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Jungkooks pov

I sit on my bed with my old notebook looking at jimin who was writing something down.
He turns it to me
'open your window',

I sigh and put my notebook down. I then stand up and open my window wide. Jimin does the same to his and raises an eyebrow "hello jungkook" I nod "hello jimin...."
His daughter smiles and waves "Hiya! I'm Hana!"

I look at her and smile "I'm Jungkook! Lovely to meet you" she smiles "you're very pretty for a boy",
I blush a little "thank you very much....you're also very beautiful", she giggles and nods "I know"

I laugh a little but stop when Irene walks into the room and looks at me "oh....you're talking to him" Hana and jimin look at her and nod.
Hana smiles "he's appas best friend!"
Irene shakes her head "old best friend....they don't speak anymore....close the window...it's cold"

Jimin looks at me. I roll my eyes and then shut my window and my curtains and look down.
I guess she's right though....we haven't spoken in years....I guess.....we are.r really best friends anymore....

Next day
School time

I Huff waking up to my alarm. Well, I say waking up....I get out of bed.
I didn't sleep at all last night.

I get up and change into

I don't wear such revealing clothes in school because of all the perverts there

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I don't wear such revealing clothes in school because of all the perverts there.

I grab my school bag and then walk out my house not bothering with breakfast. I close and lock my door and gasp when I see Hana stood in front of me.

I look at her "uh....good morning" she smiles "morning! My grandma said you don't eat breakfast! So I bought you some food!", She holds up a small bag of food. I shake my head "no I'm okay thank you.... I'll be okay....you eat it"

She pouts "but....I made it for you....it's strawberries....melon....kiwi....grapes and loads of other fruits...please take it?"
I hesitate but take the bag and smile "thank you so much....aha here have one of these"

I open my bag and then hand her a cookie, she gasps "thank you! Grandma was right! You ARE amazing!! Bye bye!" I smile a little and wave "bye" she runs nextdoor and Inside.

I walk to school eating what I had just been given...it's sweet of her.... luckily she isn't like her mother.
I walk into school chucking the bag in the trash.
I walk to my locker and roll my eyes hearing jimins name here there and everywhere

He's all anyone can talk about....it's stupid...
I open my locker and take my books out.
I yawn a little and close my locker and see Jin and namjoon walking towards me. I sigh and walk the opposite way and to the music room....the art room isn't free today but the music room is....so I'll spend most of today In here.

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now