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Jungkooks pov

Today is the day we get to go home! Minjun will have weekly checkups and I'm all healed up now and get to go back to our life....jimin was holding Hana and I was holding minjun.
We walk out the hospital and I stand behind jimin scared when I see loads of fans stood outside.

Jimin puts his hand out in front of me protecting me. I hold minjun close to me and security guards and bodyguards all run to us and gather around us protecting us.jimin wraps his arm around me "it's okay baby.... you're protected"

We make our way to the car and the fans move and make a path for us. We get in and I look out the window to see fans waving. I wave back and they scream.
Jimin rolls the window up and we begin the journey back home.

Hana smiles "eomma is minjun okay?" I nod "yeah baby he's okay...he's asleep" she sits next to me and looks at minjun and smiles "I didn't want a brother but he's very cute" jimin nods "of course he is...I made him" I giggle "uh hu....that's why he's cute...of course"

We all laugh. We arrive back at the dorm and I gasp when Jin opens the car door and smiles helping me out the car. I smile "I can do things myself hyung....I'm not disabled" he nods "but you're carrying a baby so we'll get your bags....the nursery is all ready and it's right next to yours and jimins room"

I nod "thank you guys.... really....I appreciate it a lot" they all smile and I walk inside and look around.....I then walk to the nursery

I smile and then lay Minjun in his crib and kiss his head "have a nice nap my Gorgeous boy" I look at the open window and then walk and close and double lock it

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I smile and then lay Minjun in his crib and kiss his head "have a nice nap my Gorgeous boy" I look at the open window and then walk and close and double lock it......
I'm so worried about leaving him in a room by himself.

I jump when yoongi walks into the room. I look at him "hey hyung....", He puts his hand on my shoulder "he'll be okay.....come on...." I look at the window and then see a guard stood outside.
I nod and then grab the baby monitor and put it on.

I then walk out with yoongi holding the baby monitor close to me. I gasp when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and calm down when I see taehyung, he sighs "you're so scared....", I nod "a little....yeah"

Jimin walks to me and wraps his arms around me "none of us will ever let anything happen to you.....I promise we'll be okay and we'll all be happy okay?" I nod and then turn to look at him. He kisses my head "your strong....and I know you're scared but don't let it get to you okay?....all of us will do everything we can to keep you safe"

Hana nods "me too eomma!! I'll save you!!!" I smile "thank you princess..." Namjoon smiles "so.....will you continue with the band?" I sigh "I don't know....the fans hated me-"
Hoseok shrugs "who cares if they hated you? They hate me too....but I smile and ignore them....I listen to the fans that love me...."

Jin nods "same here....I get a lot of hate as well....but I don't notice it because I've embedded it in my head that they're wrong...." Namjoon nods "we'll prove to them all that we're strong.... we'll prove that we'll all be worldwide and won't break"

Hana giggles and nods "you're amazing eomma!! Don't listen to the meanies!!" Jimin kisses my cheek "we all get hate jungkook....and I know they went WAY to far" he puts his hand on my scar from the bullet and then kisses my head "you're better than them....millions of people adore you jungkook....and none of us don't have any haters....but real army are taking the haters down one by one.."

Hoseok nods "they really are....army's can be scary" I giggle a little "your scared of your own fans?" Hoseok Chuckles "sometimes...." Taehyung giggles "they're just protecting us" jimin nods "the seven of us....well....nine of us now"

Yoongi grabs my hand "we will all fight through this jungkook...and even if it means all of us walk in a little huddle around you so you feel safe then we'll do it....we don't want to lose our golden maknae...."

I look down "I don't know.......I want to continue in the band....but I don't know if it's the right idea..." Jimin sighs "please baby.....we can't lose you....so many army's would be lost without you" I look at him and he smiles sweetly.i then look at the others who were also smiling
"I uh.......

((A/N:sorry for the slow updates, wattpad wasn't Letting me publish chapters so I kinda gave up for a little while..... sorry 💜

And should jungkook continue in the band or leave the band and look after the kids))

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