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Jungkooks pov

"don't leave jimin....bts won't be complete without you....ignore the haters.....please jimin....you don't have to love me back but please! Don't leave!!"
He looks at me "jungkook i-






I love you too....so fucking much"
My eyes widen. I look at him with tears still Rolling down my cheeks "you do?...not just as friends?" He shakes his head "I've had a crush on you for years....I'm so sorry for bringing you so much pain jungkook..."

He wipes my tears "don't cry Kookie" I smile a little "I really do love you jimin.... Please don't leave..." He shakes his head "I won't leave you again jungkook....I will stay with you forever okay?....now calm down" I giggle a little and then he sits down on the bed pulling me onto his lap.

He wraps his arms around my waist. I keep my arms around his neck and smile "you'll prove all the haters wrong jimin....one day.... EVERYONE will love you....I promise that...." He chuckles "should we uh...talk about how we both just confessed our feelings?"

I shake my head "not now.... tomorrow morning....oh! Let me show you the song I'm working on!" I stand up and pull him over to my desk.
I pull out my notebook and hand it to him "lookie lookie lookie!"

Jimin chuckles "you sound like a child" I pout "just look at the song Pabo" he nods and then looks in the notebook.
After a few minutes he nods "that sounds like it'll be amazing...." I smile and take the notebook back "thanks....I hope rap Mon will like it....maybe he could help improve it?"

Jimin shakes his head "it doesn't need to be improved....its amazing how it is..." I smile and put the notebook away.
I look down "so uh-"
He cuts me off "will you go out with me?" My eyes widen "whoa...what?"

He sighs "I've put it off for to long....I want you to be mine jungkook....I know we're best friends but I've loved you for years....I know you probably don't want to date but....I just thought I should ask....please?" I gulp "jimin-






















((A/N: sorry for the short chapter I'll update again soon))

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now