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Jungkooks pov
((The next morning))

Jimin didn't come over last night....but I guess that's because Irene stopped him.
Today is the second day of the talent show....and I'm thinking of signing up....
I'm not very talented though....

I wake up as usual and change into

I ruffle my hair and put my hood up and walk to my kitchen

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I ruffle my hair and put my hood up and walk to my kitchen.
I go to get some food but then shake my head and walk out, I grab my bag and walk out and too school.
I yawn a little and then tilt my head when I see jimin stood by the front of school, he was in ripped jeans, a black t-shirt and sunglasses.

He looks at me and smiles weakly "jungkook...", My eyes widen. I run to him and pull his shirt down a little "holy shit..." He sniffles "I didn't want to do it..."

I sigh and remove the sunglasses from his face to see tears rolling down his cheeks "I don't want kids jungkook!" I gasp a little "hey hey, calm down

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I sigh and remove the sunglasses from his face to see tears rolling down his cheeks "I don't want kids jungkook!"
I gasp a little "hey hey, calm down....it's alright...."
I wipe his tears "she forced you?"

He nods "I told her no...she...she tied my hands to the bed and...and she-"
I cut him off and nod "I understand...can I see your wrists?" He holds his wrist up to me and my eyes widen "oh jimin..."

I gently grab his hand "follow me... we're going to talk"
He puts his sunglasses on and then holds my hand. We both walk to the art room.
Luckily the teacher wasn't in here.
I close the door

Jimin sits on the desk and takes the glasses off again. He looks down "she wants a family....she wants twins jungkook....I don't want a family....not yet anyway....Im still too young and immature for kids....you know that I don't want kids....not until Im 24....I'm 20 jungkook....four years....I...I don't know what to do!"

More tears roll down his cheeks....I've never seen jimin this broken before.
I sigh "move to the edge of the desk...I'm to short to hug you like that"
He stands up and then sits me on the desk and stands between my legs with his arms around me and his head on my shoulder

I smile "or that works"
I run my hand through his hair. I feel his tears dampen my hoodie.
I look up when the door opens. I smile a little seeing Taehyung. He walks in closing the door behind him "hey...is he alright?",

Jimin cries more. I rub his back and sigh "I'm going to kill her",
Taehyung nods "I'll bail you outta jail",
The bell rings, taehyung Huff's "chim...I'll tell coach you're ill alright?"
Jimin nods. He then smiles and walks out closing the door behind him.

Luckily the art teacher has to teach another lesson today.... jungkook knew this because him and the art teacher have a good 'bond' they're friends....they're not meant to be but...it doesn't matter.

Jimins cries die down a little, he looks at me "I want to break up with her" I nod "you should....she isn't the one for you jimin....if she makes you feel this horrible...then you should tell her to fuck off.....she shouldn't fucking force you into having kids with her...."

I smile and wipe his tears "don't forget jimin....I'm always here for you....okay?" He nods "you're always there for me....I should be a better friend....I'm sorry jungkook",
I roll my eyes "jimin...what did we both promise when we were younger?"

The smirks "that we'd get married if I grow taller than you" I huff "park jimin", he chuckles "sorry...that we would always be best friends till the end?" I nod "no matter what....and i plan on keeping that promise okay?" He chuckles "I really don't deserve you as a best friend jungkook...",

I shake my head "you really dont....but I'm stuck with your for life now" he nods "there's no getting rid of me....best friends forever",
My heart sinks a little..."yeah....",
He tilts his head "are you alright?",
I nod "I'm fine.... you should go break up with that bitch...I'll see you at lunch?"

He nods "alright..." He kisses my head "bye kook....thank you" I nod "no problem" he walks out.

I look down....best friends.....nothing more....
I guess there's a bright side.... he's breaking up with Irene.....
Irene...a bitch I'm about to stab...
Nobody hurts my best friend without getting hurt 10x worse.

But first! I might sign up for the talent show....I've got nothing better to do....
I walk to the gym and to the gym teacher "sir! Can I sign up for the talent show?" He looks at me and nods "of course! We'll wright your name down....you'll be at lunch alright?.... you're audition that is..."

I giggle and nod "that's fine.... thank you sir!"
I walk away and huff


Now time to find and stab a bitch~
Irene's times up....

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now