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Jungkooks pov

I open the door to see jimin standing there.

((Ignore the mic))

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((Ignore the mic))

He looks at me "hey..." I smile a little "hey...uh...come in", I push the door open more and he walks in.
I close the door and follow him into the lounge.

"I understand-"
"I'm sorry",
We both speak at the same time, I gasp a little "sorry....uh...you speak" he shakes his head "no it's alright you speak" I nod "I was just saying that I understand why you didn't come and see me before...."

He sighs "I'm so sorry jungkook....I admit today I only came because of business....I was being selfish...." I nod "yeah that's true....you did turn up to MY concert" he nods "and when I saw you on stage I was blown away.... you're an amazing singer! You should be so proud",

I nod and sigh "I guess"
We both sit down on the couch. He tilts his head "you guess?" I shrug "so many people hate me....hate my music and start fights with my fans....I think I need to do a better job...."

Jimin shakes his head "no...don't think that....your amazing Jungkook....always working hard and always thinking of others before himself....and who cares if a few assholes are hating...you have your fans and the people around you who love and adore you....that's all you need..."

I look at him to see him looking down. I hesitate but put my hand on top of his "don't feel so bad chimmy" tears start to roll down his cheeks. My eyes widen "whoa whoa whoa what's wrong?"

He looks at me "I've hurt you so many times....and get you're still so kind....I don't fucking deserve you....I'm so so sorry jungkook"
I sigh and move so im right next to him and I wrap my arms around him, he grips my shirt and cries "I'm so sorry....Hana always use to ask to see you....I should have never left"

I stroke his hair gently "jimin...if you never left then you wouldn't be where you are today....you would still be successful yes, but you're even more successful now....and I'm so proud of you....you were the person who made me follow my dream of becoming an idol" he tilts his head and sits up a little "I was?"

I nod "I made it a goal for myself that when you return I'd do something to impress you....and when we were younger I remember you saying that you wanted me to become and idol so we could work together forever.... we'd create a band together remember? And we would be worldwide famous?"

He nods and wipes his tears "I guess that will never happen....I couldn't keep any of my promises...." I grab his hand "you kept them all....and the most important one as well....to always come back....no matter what we will always come back to one another....we will always come back to one another and always love one another...."

He looks at me and sighs "you're too kind for this world jungkook" I giggle a little "now stop crying you big crybaby and hug me like a man" I wipe his tears. He chuckles a little and then hugs me. I hug back and close my eyes smiling.

He hugs me tightly "I've missed this...." I nod "me too...I'm so glad you're home jimin" 
I pull away from the hug and look at him, we lock eyes and he pulls me into his lap not breaking eye contact.

I blush a little, he rests his hands on my waist.
I move my hands to his chest and smile finally breaking the eye contact "you're the CEO now?" He nods "yeah....but I also sing and dance a little....you're an idol?...you're worldwide...."

I nod "yeah it took ages but yeah...."
I look back at him and my breath hitches when he pulls me closer to him. He sighs "I'm so sorry for this jungkook...." He pulls me closer and closer until











((A/N: what will happen???

Sorry for the shitty chapters today....I'm currently in hospital (reason for the top pic) and there is a lot of shit going on with my family and the police are also involved and so are child services....so updates might be slow for many fanfics.....
I will definitely update though cause it's the only thing that stops me from having a panic attack because it distracts me...

Sorry for the shitty chapters, please forgive me💜💜💜💜))

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