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Jungkooks pov

"Jungkook go to prom with me!!"
"No jungkook with me!!"
"No! With me!!!"
"With me!!!"
"He had a crush on me before so me!!!"
"Well I've liked him since 3rd grade!"
"Jungkook I'll take you to prom!!"

People gather around me. I sigh "guys-"
They keep yelling.
I jump when I hear Taehyungs voice "LET HIM SPEAK!!"
The group of people go silent.
I smile "I'm not going to the prom....I'm studying....sorry"

They all huff and walk away. Taehyung chuckles "ha you need" I roll my eyes "thanks taehyung...."
I walk to my locker and roll my eyes again....the painting was still on my locker.
Taehyung sighs "I don't think it was jimin who painted this....jimin can't draw for shit"

I huff and open my locker "even if he didn't....he didn't stop his bitchy girlfriend from Doing it....plus... we're still talking so it doesn't matter.... we're still best friends and that's all that matters....I cant hold a grudge against him for long...."
I put all my things in my bag.
Taehyung leans against the lockers next to me "jimin said he moved right nextdoor to you?"

I giggle and nod "yeah....late at night when we can't sleep we talk by writing shit down on a notebook and holding it up to the window....our bedrooms are opposite one another....even though he wasnt that far away before...I'm glad he moved closer"

Taehyung nods "you two really have an amazing friendship..."
I smile "yeah..." I close my locker and stare at the painting.
"And a girl got between that....she's put before me...she's jimins girlfriend.... girlfriend before best friend...."

Taehyung Huff's "jimin doesn't go by that....he even gave you a necklace-"
I cut him off "he bought Irene, a necklace and a ring... jewelry doesn't mean anything.....plus....he gave mine to me when we were younger....we had no idea what to think....I'm sure it doesn't mean much to him anymore",

I pull the necklace out from my shirt and take it off.
I grab taehyungs hand and put it in his hand "you and jimin are soulmates....I'm sure it'll mean more to jimin if you wear it....it's got my initials on the back but you can just scratch them off..."

He goes to speak but I walk away holding my bag on my shoulder and walk home.
The art club meets me half way to my house.
Yoongi looks at me "you going tonight?" I scoff "am I fuck....I'm not going to sit there and look like an idiot being surrounded by drunk horny idiots....I guess you guys are going?"

Jin nods "we can stay with you if you wa-"
I cut him off "who you going with?",
IN sighs "I'm going with seungmin.....Jin with Namjoon.....yoongi with Hoseok and taehyung....and The others are going as a group..."

I nod "sounds fun....well-"
"JUNGKOOK!!" I turn around to see jimin walking into his house. I wave "WHAT?!"
He goes to speak but his phone rings, he then points to the window. I huff and nod. He then walks inside on the Phone,
Jin tilts his head "the fuck?" I giggle "we talk to one another with notebooks....since his bedroom is opposite mine...."

IN giggles "that sounds cool..... we'll see you on Monday then" I nod "bye....have fun at prom! Send me photos!" They all nod and walk away.
I walk inside and close the door behind me.

I walk to my room and sit on my bed and get all my books out and start my studying.

I see jimin on the phone in his room. I sit up and see him chuck his phone on the bed. He picks up his notebook. I pick mine up and then giggle when he turns his around
((On the notebooks))

'you coming tonight?

'no,I'm studying tonight'

'i wish you were...it's gonna be boring without you....Irene is forcing me to go'

'you don't always have to listen to her'

'i know.... but taehyung also wants me there because he wants to confess to yoongi... same with Hoseok'

'yoongi will say yes no matter what'

'true....I should get changed and go, maybe think about coming?'

'maybe, have fun'

'you too nerd'

I smile and Chuck my notebook away and sigh when jimin shuts the curtains. I turn away and start to study again. I see out the corner of my eye jimin open the curtains....he was in a suit

I turn to the window and then stand up and open it, jimin does the same

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I turn to the window and then stand up and open it, jimin does the same.
I giggle "you copying my style park...you don't wear glasses"
He smirks "actually I do wear glasses....I just don't wear them often"

I smile "they suit you", he smirks "thanks kook....I should get going...." I nod "have fun chimmy" he rolls his eyes "don't call me that Kookie" I giggle and then close the window and sit back on my bed. I see jimin close his window and walk away.

I huff "stupid prom.....and stupid feelings.....why does he have to be so fucking hot!?! It's not fair!!!"
I stand up and walk to my wardrobe....

Should I go to the prom??.....
That's a stupid idea....I'd Just be sat there for the whole night looking lonely.....
Jimin wants me to go......
I can't say no to him....

Ugh!! What do I do?!

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now