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Jungkooks pov

I pack my things up from my room and sigh.
I look around making sure I have everything I need.

I walk to the door and gasp when I open it seeing jimin stood there.
He pushes me back inside and closes the door with his foot "you can't go"
I nod "oh but I can....you just have to move your fat ass out my way"

He rolls his eyes "no Jungkook seriously....you expect us to just continue the tour without you?" I nod "yes jimin that's exactly what I'm saying! That is what the fans want!!! And everything is about the fans!!! So just.....just fuck off!!"

He shake his head "no! I'm not letting the person I fucking love most just walk out my life!!!" I shake my head "don't..... Jusy....dont!! You might love me jimin but we can't be together....not now....not ever....you're in a band....a band that needs YOU as a member jimin"

Tears roll down my cheeks "you are what keeps bts together.....you're the glue we needed before....never stop singing or smiling jimin.....I'll see you again....someday....not sure when.... but I'll see you again...."
I walk past him holding my bag.

I sigh and stop turning around and kiss his cheek "give that to Hana for me...." He nods and tears roll down his cheeks "you.... you'll be back right?" I sigh and shrug "I can't promise you anything jimin.....I'm sorry"
He grabs my wrist "can I have one last kiss before you go??? Please....that's all I ask?"

I look at the clock and then pull him closer to me and kiss him. Both of us are crying.
I pull away and wipe his tears "I will always love you park jimin" he smiles a little "I love you too jeon jungkook.... please come back to me" I pick my bag up and walk out the room.

I say goodbye to the others and then walk out the building and get into a car where our manager was already there. The driver starts to drive away.
My manager sighs "you sure about this jungkook?" I nod "yeah....just....say my contract got canceled.....I'll be back one day.....and bts wont need me anymore"

He shakes his head "that's not true jungkook....you're what brings bts together....they won't be the same until you come back....I shall tell army that you're taking a break.....please come back to us jungkook"

We arrive at the airport. I don't answer my manager, bodyguards escort me to the gate and after a few minutes I get onto the plane.
I put my headphones on and tears roll down my cheeks listening to bts songs

Listening to every members voice.....jimins voice.....so angelic and beautiful......I miss him so much.

I gasp a little when a little girl sits next to me.
I look at her and then look away when I see she's already staring at me.
The plane takes off and I focus on the music.
But I still feel the girl staring at me.

I sigh and take my headphones off. She gasps "are you jungkook?" I look at her and nod "yes I am...." She smiles "I'm kitty!" I shake her hand and smile a little "are you going to Busan?" She nods.

She then pouts "why aren't the other members with you?" I look down "I'm staying away from them a little while....some things happened and I just want to see my eomma and Appa" she giggles and nods "how is jiminie?"

I shrug and tear up a little "I guess he's okay.....we aren't exactly closest of people anymore"
She puts her hand on top of mine "I still love you Jungkookie" I look at her and she smiles sweetly.

I smile "thank you....I'm glad someone does" she pouts "loads of people do Kookie.....jiminie does as well!" I smile and then look down "they won't anymore.....but it's okay! Anyways! Tell me more about yourself"

She smiles and starts to tell me more about herself and we end up talking about unicorns and dragons...
The plane lands and we both get off. Kitty waves to me "bye Kookie....I hope to see you again" I wave "bye bye kitty!"

Bodyguards walk next to me,I grab my bags and get into the car.
The driver drives me to my parents house and I smile seeing my parents waiting outside the house.

I quickly get out and run to them hugging them both Letting my tears roll down my cheeks. They both hug back and try and calm me down. My father kisses my head "it's okay son....it's okay....breath for me alright?"

I take a deep breath and calm down a little.
My mother sighs and wipes my tears "come on in baby..... we've missed you" we walk inside and I put my bags in my old room

I then walk to the lounge where my parents sat on the couch. I smile a little, they knew exactly what I do when I'm upset.
I walk and lay on the couch with my legs up on my father's and my head on my mother's legs.

My mother strokes and plays with my hair while my father rubs my calves a little calming me down.
My mother kisses my head "no matter what we still love you okay?" I nod "thank you eomma....."
I close my eyes starting to fall asleep......
I don't know if I'll ever go back....

Jimins pov

I Huff and sit on Jungkooks bed holding a photo in my hand

I stare at the photo as my tears fall "please come back to me Kookie

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I stare at the photo as my tears fall "please come back to me Kookie....I don't care what people say....I want to be together....I want you back....."

Please come home jungkook....I already miss you so so much

you'd be better off with me ((jikook))Where stories live. Discover now