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A few Hours later

Jimins pov

Everyone but me has fallen asleep. Hana is cuddled up next to jin on the small couch in the room and I still hold jungkooks hand trying not to sleep....

I yawn a little and lean my head on the bed next to jungkooks hand....I guess I should sleep...i smile a little "goodnight Kookie" I close my eyes




















"Goodnight chimmy"
My eyes shoot open and I sit up and I smile widely when I see

"Goodnight chimmy" My eyes shoot open and I sit up and I smile widely when I see

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"Y-y-you're awake...." Tears roll down my cheeks. He gasps a little "don't cry jimin....it's okay...." He opens his arms for a hug. I hug him and cry on his shoulder.

I hear yoongi groan "chim you haven't cried in hours shut the fuck u-" he sits up and gasps "j-jungkook?!" Jungkook smiles and looks at him, jungkook then puts a finger to his lips "shhhh the others are sleeping"

I lean my head on Jungkooks shoulder not letting him go "you fucking scared me jungkook....I thought I lost you...I missed you so much" jungkook sighs "I'm sorry jimin.....










I miss you too so so much....but for now...you need to open your eyes..." I tilt my head "wait what?" He smiles "stay strong for me chimmy...it will all be okay soon"







I gasp and sit up looking around quickly. Jin rubs my back "whoa jimin what's wrong?" I look at Jungkook who was still led in the hospital bed. I shake my head "no! He was sat up! He...he....I hugged him! Yoongi!!!"

Yoongi looks at me "chim....you fell asleep two hours ago....he hasn't woken up yet" tears roll down my cheeks "it felt so real....I held him in my arms again.....I miss him so much....why won't he open his eyes!",

Taehyung puts a hand on my shoulder "he'll wake up soon....he's fighting...." Namjoon nods "oh jimin.... Baekhyun is here....he wants to speak to you" I growl a little "seriously? He doesn't bother coming to visit jungkook while he is in critical condition but all of a sudden he appears months later? What the fuck does he want?"

I stand up and wipe my tears. I walk out the room to see Baekhyun sat there. He looks at me "jimin..." I cross my arms "what?" He sighs "look I know it's probably wrong of me to suddenly show up out of the blue....but...I saw that jungkook is getting better....I wanted to ask if I could be here when he wakes up?"

I raise my eyebrow "and why would I allow that?" He tilts his head "dude why are you so mad?" I shrug and sarcastically say "hmm I'm not sure Baekhyun... because maybe my best fucking friend is led in bed lifeless??"

He gasps "wait....youre blaming me?" I shake my head "no I'm not blaming you! It's just....you should have asked him what restaurant he wants to go too" he crosses his arms "what's even the big deal about that restaurant!?"

I glare at him "I've told you! It's not my place to say....now you're either here to support jungkook or you can piss off....and DONT think of asking him on a date again....I don't trust you... understand me?" He gulps and nods "fine....I understand..." He then walks away.

I walk back into the room and my eyes widen when I see.....







((A/N: Oop another cliffhanger, what could it be???))

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